英国流生率居前十位的大学排名 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/10/6 17:14:38     浏览:4268次

Universities with the highest drop out rates
No.1: University of the Highlands and Islands (UHI) - 高地和群岛大学
No.2: The University of the West of Scotland - 西苏格兰大学
No.3: Writtle College - 里特尔学院
No.4: University of Bolton - 博尔顿大学
No.5: London Metropolitan University - 伦敦城市大学
No.6: University Campus Suffolk - 萨福克大学校区
No.7: Trinity University College - 三一大学学院
No.8: Edinburgh Napier University - 爱丁堡龙比亚大学
No.9: Middlesex University - 密德萨斯大学
No.10: Ravensbourne - 雷文斯本学院

The information is taken from HESA data of full time first degree students who started university in 2008/9 and didn't return for their second year studies for the the academic year 2009/10

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