PEP小学英语六年级上册 新人教PEP版英语六年级上册期末试题 wenhui 2017/1/5 14:24:59六年级期末 (文件大小:373.06 KB)

人教社精通英语六年级上册电子课本和课文录音 教材培训 jetshing 2015/11/28 10:44:53一、电子课本目录:

.Unit 1 I go to school at 8:00

.Unit 2 What's your hobby?

.Unit 3 Would you like to come to my birthday party?

.Fun time 1

.Unit 4 January is the first month

.Unit 5 July is the seventh month

.Unit 6 There are four seasons in a year

.Fun time 2



2014-2015学年pep六年级上册英语教案全册 教案 jetshing 2015/9/26 15:52:10学年pep六年级上册英语教案全册.doc (文件大小:475.69 KB)

六年级上册新PEP7期中复习之单词、句子 教案 jetshing 2015/3/29 15:20:50六年级上册新PEP7期中复习之单词、句子.rar (文件大小:4.31 KB)

(人教新版)六年级英语上册全册各单元测试题 同步练习 jetshing 2015/3/11 20:31:50人教新版)六年级英语上册单元测试题.zip (文件大小:468.15 KB)

小学新版PEP六年级上册英语堂堂清训练题 同步练习 jetshing 2015/3/10 11:35:37小学新版PEP六年级上册英语堂堂清训练题.rar (文件大小:301.62 KB)

最新人教社PEP小学六年级上册英语Unit 1至Unit 3教案下载 jetshing 2015/2/8 9:56:19点击下载:PEP 7 Units 1-3

最新人教社PEP小学六年级上册英语Unit 4教案下载 教案 jetshing 2015/2/8 9:51:20新版六上Unit4教案.rar (文件大小:50.39 KB)

最新人教社PEP小学六年级上册英语Unit 5教案下载 教案 jetshing 2015/2/8 9:49:00新版六上Unit 5教案.doc (文件大小:94.00 KB)

最新人教社PEP小学六年级上册英语Unit 6教案下载 教案 jetshing 2015/2/8 9:47:30新版六上Unit6教案.rar (文件大小:157.47 KB)

最新人教社PEP小学六年级上册英语Recycle 1教案下载 教案 jetshing 2015/2/8 9:42:51新版六上recycle1教案.doc (文件大小:104.50 KB)

PEP人教版新版试题Unit_2_Ways_to_go_to_school 同步练习 jetshing 2014/9/26 20:40:57人教版新版试题Unit_2_Ways_to_go_to_school.rar (文件大小:206.37 KB)

最新版PEP小学六年级英语上册全册FLASH动画教学课件免费下载 教材培训 wenhui 2014/9/7 16:16:44第一单元、Unit 1 How can I get there?

Unit1 How can I get there课文朗读Flash动画课件
Unit1 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 let's try PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 let's learn PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 let's talk PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 let's try PartB Flash动画课件
Unit1 listen and answer PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 listen and tick PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit1 let's learn PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit1 let's sing PartB Flash动画课件
Unit1 story time教学Flash动画课件

第二单元、Unit 2 Ways to go to school

Unit2 Ways to go to school课文朗读Flash动画课件
Unit2 let's learn PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 let's try PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit2 let's learn PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 let's sing PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 let's talk PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 let's try PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 listen and number PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit2 story time教学动画Flash课件

第三单元、Unit 3 My weekend plan

Unit3 My weekend plan课文朗读Flash动画课件
Unit3 let's learn PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 let's try PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 let's sing PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 let's talk PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 let's try PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 listen and fill PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 listen and tick PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit3 let's learn PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit3 story time教学Flash动画课件

Recycle 1

Recycle 1 listen and answer复习Flash动画课件
Recycle 1 Listen and circle复习Flash动画课件
Recycle 1 listen and read aloud动画Flash课件
Recycle 1 listen and read动画Flash课件
Recycle 1 listen and tick or cross动画Flash课件
Recycle 1 look and fill复习Flash动画课件
Recycle 1 read and circle动画Flash课件
Recycle 1 let's sing动画Flash课件

第四单元、Unit 4 I have a pen pal

Unit4 I have a pen pal课文朗读Flash动画课件
Unit4 let's learn PartA 教学动画Flash课件
Unit4 let's talk PartA 教学Flash动画课件
Unit4 let's try PartA教学动画Flash课件

Unit4 let's check PartB教学动画Flash课件
Unit4 let's learn PartB教学Flash动画课件
Unit4 let's sing PartB教学动画Flash课件
Unit4 Let's talk PartB教学动画Flash课件
Unit4 let's try PartB教学Flash动画课件
Unit4 listen and fill PartB 教学动画Flash课件
Unit4 listen match and say PartB动画Flash课件
Unit4 read and write PartB 教学动画Flash课件
Unit4 tips for pronunciation PartB 动画Flash课件
Unit4 listen and tick PartB 动画Flash课件

Unit4 story time教学动画Flash课件

第五单元、Unit 5 What does he do?

Unit5 What does he do课文朗读Flash动画课件
Unit5 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 let's try PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 listen match and say PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 let's learn PartA Flash教学动画课件

Unit5 let's talk PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 let's try PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 listen and answer PartB Flash动画课件
Unit5 listen and match PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit5 let's learn PartB Flash动画课件
Unit5 let's sing PartB Flash教学动画课件

Unit5 story time教学Flash动画课件

第六单元、Unit 6 How do you feel?

Unit6 How do you feel课文朗读Flash动画课件
Unit6 let's try PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 write and say PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 let's learn PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件

Unit6 let's try PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 listen and circle PartB Flash动画课件
Unit6 listen and match PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 Tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit6 let's learn PartB Flash动画课件
Unit6 let's sing PartB Flash教学动画课件

Unit6 story time教学Flash动画课件

Recycle 2

Recycle 2 read and fill in the table复习Flash课件
Recycle 2 read and write复习Flash动画课件
Recycle 2 listen and fill动画Flash课件
Recycle 2 look,listen and write动画Flash课件
Recycle 2 read and answer动画Flash课件

新版PEP六年级上册英语Recycle 2各课时动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:45:40年秋季人教社新版PEP小学六年级上册英语Recycle 2 flash动画课件,共包括以下五个动画课件:
Recycle2 read and fill in the table复习Flash课件
Recycle2 read and write复习Flash动画课件
Recycle2 listen and fill动画Flash课件
Recycle2 look,listen and write动画Flash课件
Recycle 2 read and answer动画Flash课件
[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Recycle 2动画[/postmoney]

新版PEP六年级上册英语Unit 6 story time动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:43:52[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Unit 6 story time动画[/postmoney]]]> 新版PEP六年级上册英语Unit 6 part b部分各课时动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:42:34 let's try PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 listen and circle PartB Flash动画课件
Unit6 listen and match PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 Tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit6 let's learn PartB Flash动画课件
Unit6 let's sing PartB Flash教学动画课件
[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Unit 6 part b部分各课时动画[/postmoney]]]>
新版PEP六年级上册英语Unit 6 part a部分各课时动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:41:06 let's try PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 write and say PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 let's learn PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
Unit6 let's talk PartA Flash教学动画课件
[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Unit 6 part a部分各课时动画[/postmoney]]]>
新版PEP六年级上册英语Unit 6课文动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:39:07[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Unit 6 课文动画[/postmoney]]]> 新版PEP六年级上册英语Unit 5 story time动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:36:39[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Unit 5 story time部分动画[/postmoney]

[本帖由 jetshing 最后编辑于 14-09-07 09:37]

新版PEP六年级上册英语Unit 5 part b部分各课时动画课件(flash) 课件 jetshing 2014/9/7 9:35:24 let's talk PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 let's try PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 listen and answer PartB Flash动画课件
Unit5 listen and match PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 read and write PartB Flash教学动画课件
Unit5 tips for pronunciation PartB Flash动画课件
Unit5 let's learn PartB Flash动画课件
Unit5 let's sing PartB Flash教学动画课件
[postmoney=1]下载地址:PEP 7 Unit 5 part b部分动画[/postmoney]]]>