Roger Woodham replies:meeting/gathering/assembly/rally

Meeting (and meet) are the most generally and widely used from your list of four, Jianxin. Assembly (and assemble), gathering (and gather) and rally are more restricted in use.

meet (verb)

When two or more people meet, they come together or are brought together for some reason or they just happen to be in the same place and start talking:

meeting (noun)

A meeting is any event where a smaller or larger group of people come together to discuss something or to make a decision:

gather (verb)

When people or things gather somewhere, they come together for a particular purpose. They do not meet by chance:

When you gather things or pieces of information, you collect them with a particular purpose in mind:

I gather means I understand in the sense that somebody has told me or I have read about this. As far as I can gather¡­ is an expression meaning As far as I can find out¡­:

gathering (noun)

A gathering is a group of people who are meeting together for a particular purpose:

assemble (verb)

Assemble is very close to gather in meaning in the sense of coming together for a particular purpose. It perhaps suggests a greater sense of organisation:

When we assemble things, we fit the different parts together to make a whole:

assembly (noun)

Assemblies are usually larger gatherings of people who meet regularly for a particular purpose:

In a school, the assembly is a gathering of all teachers and pupils at a specified time in the school hall for matters that affect the whole school:

You will also find assembly lines in factories where employees work on particular part of a product (e.g. a car) at a particular stage of its manufacture.

rally (verb)

When people rally, they unite to support something:

When someone or something rallies, it begins to recover from a weak position:

If you rally at tennis, badminton or squash, you manage to keep the shots going with your partner for as long as possible without losing. Rally can also be used in this sense as a noun:

rally (noun)

A rally is primarily a large public meeting that is held to show support for a cause or a political party. Rallies, like meetings, are held: