世界野生动植物日,世界野生动植物日是几月几日,World Wildlife Day

United Nations World Wildlife Day (WWD) is celebrated every year on 3 March to celebrate wild animals and plants. Every year, we recognize the unique roles and contributions of wildlife to people and the planet.



2014年--关注非法野生动植物贸易。–"Let’s go wild for wildlife!"
2015年--依法保护野生动植物,共建美好家园–"It’s time to get serious about wildlife crime"
2016年--野生动植物的未来在我们手– "The future of wildlife is in our hands"
2017年--聆听青年人的声音– "Listen to the Young Voices"
This highlights the critical role of youth in wildlife conservation.
2018年--大型猫科动物:面临威胁的掠食者– “Big Cats: Predators under Threat.”
This was intended to bring attention to the problems of big cats, including lions, jaguars, leopards, tigers, cheetahs, and cougars, and demand their protection.
中国主题:保护虎豹 你我同行
2019年--水下的生命:为了人类和地球– “Life below Water: For People and the Planet.”
We can’t afford to disregard the importance of protecting marine species and their ecosystems in our daily lives. At the same time, practical conservation and sustainable management of these animals was the main focus, intending to increase backing for such efforts in the long term.
中国主题:保护海洋物种 传承海洋文明
2020年--维护地球上所有的生命– “Sustaining all life on Earth.”
It emphasized that ecosystems and the lives of persons who live close to nature are included in this category. Additionally, it highlights the necessity of ecological sustainability in pursuit of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
2021年--“推动绿色发展促进人与自然和谐共生”– “Forests and Livelihoods: Sustaining People and Planet.”
It focused on the United Nations’ attempts to encourage activities that may aid in sustainable development, particularly cultural traditions and understanding, by recognizing the importance of forest-based livelihoods.
2022年--“恢复关键物种 修复生态系统” – “Recovering key species for ecosystem restoration”.
Throughout this year, WWD’s focus was on drawing attention to the plight of our planet’s most threatened animal and plant species. This was followed by developing and adopting practical solutions to their preservation.
中国主题:“关注旗舰物种保护 推进美丽中国建设”
2023年--“野生动植物保护伙伴关系”(Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation)。
In order to protect wildlife, governments need to establish partnerships, collaborate with civil society organizations, and engage with local communities.
2024年--“连接人与地球:探索野生动植物保护中的数字创新”(Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation)



Official World Wildlife Day 2024 Poster