
编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2017年12月4日 作者:By DAVE KEHR

随着蓝光播放器价格持续下落,人气持续上涨,很多发行商又回到资料室,制作经典老片和热门新片的最新修复版本和转录版本。今年有些礼品套装的价格可能看起来有点高,但是考虑到里面收录的片子,整套的价格还算合理,特别是网上零售商还会大幅度打折(下面标出的价格都是生产商的建议零售价;大多数情况下,能打7折到6折)。而且,制作优良的蓝光光碟,比如索尼出品的《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia)最新版本,其音画质量是任何在线视频都无法比拟的,因为在线视频用的都是被强力压缩的数码文件。

只是今年的应季精选似乎有点单薄,好像电影公司终于没有圣诞主题的电影可供再次发行了。(我推荐一部被人遗忘的电影:约瑟夫·凯恩[Joseph Kane]1945年导演的《骗子》[The Cheaters],Republic出品。)虽然有一些大家熟悉的老片也在销售,比如《银色圣诞》(White Christmas)和《生活多美好》(It’s a Wonderful Life),但是我稍微往前追溯了一点,推荐了一些大家不那么熟悉的影片。


《亚瑟·圣诞》(Arthur Christmas) 本片讲述的是圣诞老人倒霉的小儿子(詹姆斯·麦克沃伊[James McAvoy]配音)历尽千辛万苦递送一份被漏掉的礼物的故事。这部动画片由英国阿德曼(Aardman)动画工作室制作,去年推出时被淹没在扎堆上映的电影大军里,这次又有机会在家庭影院里亮相啦(索尼出品,3-D蓝光/蓝光/DVD版:55.99美元;蓝光/DVD版:40.99美元;DVD版:30.99美元;建议在家长陪同下观看)。

《布偶圣诞颂》(The Muppet Christmas Carol)这部布莱恩·亨森(Brian Henson)1992年导演的影片改编自狄更斯的经典小说;迈克尔·凯恩(Michael Caine)在其中饰演斯克鲁奇(Scrooge,这个单词有“吝啬鬼”的意思——译注),其他演员阵容也很强大(迪斯尼出品,蓝光:26.50美元;DVD:19.99美元;大众级)。

《圣诞夜惊魂》(The Nightmare Before Christmas) 蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton)1993年编写的一个闹鬼的圣诞节故事,由导演亨利·塞利克(Henry Selick,《鬼妈妈》[Coraline]的导演)以定格动画的形式拍成了电影(迪斯尼出品,3-D蓝光/蓝光/DVD版:49.99美元;蓝光/DVD版:40.99美元;DVD版:29.99美元;建议在家长陪同下观看)。

《飞机、火车和汽车》(Planes, Trains and Automobiles) 约翰·休斯(John Hughes)1987年导演的喜剧片。在片中,史蒂夫·马丁(Steve Martin)极不情愿地和傲慢的约翰·坎迪(John Candy)搭伴赶回家过感恩节,一路上麻烦不断。这张碟片现在升级成了高像素(派拉蒙出品,蓝光:22.98美元;以前发行的DVD:12.98美元;限制级)。

《记住那一晚》(Remember the Night) 在普勒斯顿·史特吉斯(Preston Sturges)编剧、米切尔·莱森(Mitchell Leisen)1940年导演的这部感人的影片中,一位检察官(弗雷德·麦克默里[Fred MacMurray]饰)把一位被控入店盗窃的女子(芭芭拉·斯坦威克[Barbara Stanwyck])带回自己在印第安纳州的家里过圣诞节(TCM/环球出品,DVD:19.98美元;未分级)。

《圣诞老人3:电影精选》(The Santa Clause 3-Movie Collection) 蒂姆·艾伦(Tim Allen)在这个电影三部曲(1994, 2002, 2006)中扮演一位发愤图强的单身父亲(艾伦先生),他被选去做新的圣诞老人之后发现了新的人生意义(迪斯尼出品,蓝光:49.99美元;DVD:39.99美元;分级各有不同)。

Collection: Holiday这个合集包含四部电影,光是其中恩斯特·刘别谦(Ernst Lubitsch)1940年的经典之作《街角的商店》(Shop Around the Corner)就值得你买下来,这部影片由詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stewart)和玛格丽特·苏利文(Margaret Sullavan)主演;其他三部影片分别是彼得·戈弗雷(Peter Godfrey)1945年拍摄的《康州圣诞》(Christmas in Connecticut),米高梅公司1938年改编的《圣诞颂歌》(A Christmas Carol),以及罗伊·德尔·露丝(Roy Del Ruth)1947年拍摄的《第五大道奇事》(It Happened on Fifth Avenue)。你可以把后三部影片看作是免费的赠品(华纳家庭视频公司出品,DVD:$27.92美元;未分级)。


《超凡蜘蛛侠》(The Amazing Spider-Man) 这是马克·韦布(Marc Webb)导演的惊奇漫画(Marvel Comics)系列电影中最新的一部,安德鲁·加菲尔德(Andrew Garfield)在其中扮演一位忧郁的超级英雄(Marvel/索尼出品,3-D蓝光/蓝光/DVD版:55.99美元;蓝光/DVD版:40.99美元;DVD:30.99美元;13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看)。

《谍影重重4:伯恩的遗产》(The Bourne Legacy) 这部有10年历史的系列电影,在托尼·吉尔罗伊(Tony Gilroy)的执导下重新启程。杰瑞米·雷纳(Jeremy Renner)在其中扮演一位新的逃亡秘密特工(环球出品,蓝光/DVD版:34.98美元;DVD版:29.98美元;13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看)。

《勇敢传说》(Brave) 皮克斯(Pixar)工作室出品的这部动画电影讲述苏格兰早期一位叛逆公主的传奇故事(皮克斯/迪斯尼出品,3-D蓝光/蓝光/DVD版:49.99美元;蓝光/DVD版:39.99美元;DVD:29.99美元;建议在家长陪同下观看)。

《黑暗骑士崛起》(The Dark Knight Rises) 这部最新的蝙蝠侠电影由克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale)主演、克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)执导,为这个三部曲画上了句号(华纳家庭视频公司出品,蓝光/DVD版:35.99美元;DVD版: 29.98美元;13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看。《黑暗骑士三部曲》包括《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》[Batman Begins]、《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》[The Dark Knight]和《黑暗骑士崛起》。蓝光:52.99美元;DVD:38.99美元;13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看)。

《魔力麦克》(Magic Mike) 史蒂文·索德伯格(Steven Soderbergh)导演的这部电影是今年的黑马,主演钱宁·塔图姆(Channing Tatum)在其中扮演一位脱衣舞男;这部电影是根据主演本人早期的一段工作经历创作出来的(华纳家庭视频公司出品,蓝光/DVD:35.99美元;DVD:28.98美元;限制级)。

《黑衣人3》(Men in Black 3) 探员J和K(威尔·史密斯[Will Smith]和汤米·李·琼斯[Tommy Lee Jones]扮演)上次露面是在十年之前,如今他们再次归来与外星人战斗,导演还是巴里·索南菲尔德(Barry Sonnenfeld)(索尼出品,3-D蓝光/蓝光/DVD:55.99美元;蓝光/DVD:40.99美元;DVD:30.99美元;13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看)。

《泰迪熊》(Ted) 一个35岁的男人(马克·沃尔伯格[Mark Wahlberg]饰)和儿时最好的伙伴住在一起,这位伙伴是一个活生生的会爆粗口的泰迪熊。该片的导演是塞思·麦克法兰(Seth MacFarlane),曾执导过《恶搞之家》(Family Guy)(环球出品,蓝光/DVD:34.98美元;DVD:29.98美元;限制级)。


《银翼杀手》(Blade Runner) 收录了雷德利·斯科特(Ridley Scott)1982年拍摄的反乌托邦科幻片的5个版本,重新包装时加入了更多花絮(华纳家庭视频公司出品,蓝光四碟合集:$64.99;蓝光:$34.99;限制级)。

《邦德50年:22部电影的完整合集》(Bond 50: The Complete 22 Film Collection) 收录了所有的邦德电影,从肖恩·康纳利(Sean Connery)、乔治·拉赞贝(George Lazenby)、罗杰·摩尔(Roger Moore)、蒂莫西·道尔顿(Timothy Dalton)、皮尔斯·布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan),一直到丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig);永世制片公司(Eon Productions)制作,包装在一个盒子里,附带有很多花絮(米高梅出品,蓝光:299.99美元;DVD:199.99美元;分级各有不同)。

《红男绿女》(Guys and Dolls) 约瑟夫·L·曼凯维奇(Joseph L. Mankiewicz)根据弗兰克·罗瑟尔(Frank Loesser)的音乐剧改编而成的电影,主演是弗兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)和马龙·白兰度(Marlon Brando);修复后重新录制而成的高像素版本(华纳家庭视频公司出品,蓝光:34.99美元;未分级)。

《夺宝奇兵:历险故事的完整合集》(Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures) 本合集收录了这个动作历险系列的所有四部电影,其中三部首次以蓝光格式出现。史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格导演,乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)制片。另有一张光盘收录花絮(派拉蒙出品,99.98美元;13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看)。

《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia) 本片是大卫·里恩(David Lean)1962年拍摄的沙漠历险故事。这个新的高像素转录版本效果非常好。有只含影片的版本;也有奢华的礼品套装,里面包括一本书和一张单独收录花絮的光盘(索尼出品,蓝光四碟合集:95.99美元;蓝光:26.99美元;建议在家长陪同下观看)。

《日落大道》(Sunset Boulevard) 比利·怀尔德(Billy Wilder)1950年执导的这部影片太需要转录成高像素版本了。葛洛利亚·斯旺森(Gloria Swanson)在其中扮演一位50岁的过气明星,她对一个比她年轻的男人(威廉·霍尔登[William Holden]饰)产生了爱欲(派拉蒙出品,蓝光:26.98美元;未分级)。


《阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克:经典合集》(Alfred Hitchcock: The Masterpiece Collection) 参差不齐的转录质量是这个合集的一个瑕疵。合集收录了这位伟大的电影艺术家的15部作品,其中很多是首次以蓝光格式出现(环球出品,蓝光:299.98美元;未分级)。

《天堂之门》(Heaven's Gate) 这是迈克尔·西米诺(Michael Cimino)1980年拍摄的一部随心所欲的西部片,进行彻底修复后经导演同意剪辑成了这个216分钟的版本(“标准收藏”[Criterion Collection]出品,蓝光:49.95美元;DVD:39.95美元;未分级)。

《玛丽·璧克馥合集:从贫穷到富裕》(Mary Pickford Rags and Riches Collection) 好莱坞第一位超级女明星的三部代表性默片——《可怜的小富女子》(The Poor Little Rich Girl, 1917),《无赖》(The Hoodlum, 1919),以及《麻雀》(Sparrows, 1926),配上了新的交响乐,再次呈现出来(“里程碑”出品,蓝光:39.95美元;DVD:34.95美元;未分级)。

《尼伯龙根之歌》(Die Nibelungen) 这部史诗曾激发瓦格纳(Wagner)创作了歌剧《尼伯龙根的指环》,这里是弗里茨·朗(Fritz Lang)根据史诗改编而成的电影,分上下两集,长四小时。这个最新修复版本效果极佳。戈特弗里德·哈勃兹(Gottfried Huppertz)1924年创作的配乐,经重新灌录后一同出售(Kino Lorber出品,蓝光:39.95美元;未分级。)

《奥托·普雷明格合集》(The Otto Preminger Collection) 这位导演后期的三部很有争议的电影现在转录成了蓝光格式——《田野泪》(Hurry Sundown, 1967),《出走》(Skidoo, 1968)和《这么好的朋友》(Such Good Friends, 1971)(Olive出品,蓝光:69.95美元;限制级)。

《维他风杂集:第2卷》(Vitaphone Varieties Volume 2) 35部出品于1927年至1931年的早期配音电影,其中很多是在华纳兄弟布鲁克林工作室拍摄的,保留了美国轻歌舞剧的精髓,表演者有埃德加·卑尔根(Edgar Bergen)、弗雷德·艾伦(Fred Allen)和“游艇俱乐部男孩”(Yacht Club Boys)(华纳档案收藏,DVD:29.95美元;未分级)。

《乡途难返》(We Can't Go Home Again) 尼古拉斯·雷(Nicholas Ray,《无因的反抗》[Rebel Without a Cause]的导演)的最后一部重要作品。本片是和纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校的学生们一起拍摄的。这个版本是在1973年戛纳电影节的首映版本的基础上改造而成。(Oscilloscope出品,蓝光:34.99美元;DVD:29.99美元;未分级)。



Dreaming of a Blu-ray Christmas

As Blu-ray players continue to drop in price and rise in popularity, many distributors are returning to their libraries to create newly restored and remastered editions of enduring classics and popular favorites. The price tag on some of this year’s gift box collections may seem a bit stiff, but per title, the sets can still represent a genuine bargain, particularly given the heavy discounts available at online retailers. (All prices given below are the manufacturer’s suggested retail; in most cases you’ll be able to find markdowns of 30 to 40 percent.) And a well-produced Blu-ray, like Sony’s new edition of “Lawrence of Arabia,” offers a quality of sound and image that none of the streaming services — with their highly compressed digital files — can come close to matching.

Only the seasonal selection seems a bit slim this year, as if the studios were finally running out of holiday-themed movies to reissue. (Here’s a vote for one forgotten title: Joseph Kane’s 1945 film “The Cheaters,” a Republic release.) While chestnuts like “White Christmas” and “It’s a Wonderful Life” remain available, I’ve reached back a little to recommend some less familiar titles from years past.


‘ARTHUR CHRISTMAS’ Lost in last year’s crush of theatrical releases, this fable from the British studio Aardman Animation — in which Santa’s hapless youngest son (James McAvoy) struggles to deliver an overlooked present — gets another chance on home video. (Sony, 3-D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD combo, $55.99; Blu-ray/DVD combo, $40.99; DVD, $30.99; PG.)

‘THE MUPPET CHRISTMAS CAROL’ Michael Caine as Scrooge surrounded by an all-felt cast in Brian Henson’s 1992 adaptation of the classic Dickens story. (Disney, Blu-ray, $26.50; DVD, $19.99; G.)

‘THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS’ Tim Burton’s 1993 vision of a goth Christmas, rendered in stop-motion animation by the director Henry Selick (“Coraline”). (Disney, 3-D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD combo, $49.99; Blu-ray/DVD combo, $40.99; DVD, $29.99; PG.)

‘PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES’ John Hughes’s 1987 comedy, in which a reluctant Steve Martin teams up with an overbearing John Candy in a desperate attempt to get home for Thanksgiving, gets a high-definition upgrade. (Paramount, Blu-ray, $22.98; previously issued DVD, $12.98; R.)

‘REMEMBER THE NIGHT’ A public prosecutor (Fred MacMurray) takes a woman accused of shoplifting (Barbara Stanwyck) home to his family in Indiana for the holidays in Mitchell Leisen’s moving 1940 realization of a script by Preston Sturges. (TCM/Universal, DVD, $19.98; not rated.)

‘ “THE SANTA CLAUSE” 3-MOVIE COLLECTION’ Tim Allen stars in a trilogy of films (1994, 2002, 2006) about a driven single father (Mr. Allen) who discovers new meaning in life when he’s tapped to become the new Santa Claus. (Disney, Blu-ray, $49.99; DVD, $39.99; various ratings.)

‘TCM GREATEST CLASSIC FILMS COLLECTION: HOLIDAY’ Pick up this four-film collection for Ernst Lubitsch’s 1940 masterpiece, “Shop Around the Corner,” with James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan, and consider the three other films — Peter Godfrey’s 1945 “Christmas in Connecticut”; the 1938 MGM adaptation of “A Christmas Carol”; and Roy Del Ruth’s 1947 “It Happened on Fifth Avenue” — as free bonuses. (Warner Home Video, DVD, $27.92; not rated.)

New Releases

‘THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN’ Andrew Garfield plays the melancholy superhero in Marc Webb’s new mounting of the Marvel Comics franchise. (Marvel/Sony, 3-D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD combo, $55.99; Blu-ray/DVD combo, $40.99; DVD, $30.99; PG-13.)

‘THE BOURNE LEGACY’ Another 10-year-old franchise gets a fresh start in Tony Gilroy’s film, with Jeremy Renner as a new undercover operative on the run. (Universal, Blu-ray/DVD combo, $34.98; DVD, $29.98; PG-13.)

‘BRAVE’ The adventures of a rebellious princess in early Scotland, in an animated film from Pixar. (Pixar/Disney, 3-D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD combo, $49.99; Blu-ray/DVD combo, $39.99; DVD, $29.99; PG.)

‘THE DARK KNIGHT RISES’ The latest iteration of Batman, played by Christian Bale under the direction of Christopher Nolan, comes to the end of its three-movie life cycle. (Warner Home Video, Blu-ray/DVD combo, $35.99; DVD, $29.98; PG-13. “The Dark Knight Trilogy,” including “Batman Begins,” “The Dark Knight” and “The Dark Knight Rises,” Blu-ray, $52.99; DVD, $38.99; PG-13.)

‘MAGIC MIKE’ Steven Soderbergh’s sleeper hit stars Channing Tatum as a male stripper in a film based on the actor’s own early job history. (Warner Home Video, Blu-ray/DVD combo, $35.99; DVD, $28.98; R.)

‘MEN IN BLACK 3’ Ten years after their last outing, Agents J and K (Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones) are back fighting aliens, still under the direction of Barry Sonnenfeld. (Sony, 3-D Blu-ray/Blu-ray/DVD combo, $55.99; Blu-ray/DVD combo, $40.99; DVD, $30.99; PG-13.)

‘TED’ A 35-year-old man (Mark Wahlberg) lives with his best friend from childhood: a teddy bear come to foulmouthed life. Seth MacFarlane of “Family Guy” directed. (Universal, Blu-ray/DVD combo, $34.98; DVD, $29.98, R.)

Repackaged Favorites

‘BLADE RUNNER’ All five versions of Ridley Scott’s dystopian fantasy of 1982, fitted out with still more supplementary material. (Warner Home Video, Blu-ray four-disc collector’s edition, $64.99; Blu-ray, $34.99; R.)

‘BOND 50: THE COMPLETE 22 FILM COLLECTION’ All the Bond films from Eon Productions — featuring Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig — packaged in one box with scads of bonus material. (MGM, Blu-ray, $299.99; DVD $199.99; various ratings.)

‘GUYS AND DOLLS’ Joseph L. Mankiewicz’s film of the Frank Loesser musical, starring Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando, restored and remastered for high definition. (Warner Home Video, Blu-ray, $34.99; not rated.)

‘INDIANA JONES: THE COMPLETE ADVENTURES’ All four films in the action-adventure series directed by Steven Spielberg and produced by George Lucas, three of them on Blu-ray for the first time. There’s a fifth disc of supplements. (Paramount, $99.98; PG-13.)

‘LAWRENCE OF ARABIA’ A superb new high-def transfer of the 1962 David Lean desert adventure, available both as a stand-alone and as a deluxe gift edition with a book and a separate disc of supplementary material. (Sony, Blu-ray four-disc collector’s edition, $95.99; Blu-ray, $26.99; PG.)

‘SUNSET BOULEVARD’ A much-needed high-def do-over for the 1950 Billy Wilder film, with Gloria Swanson as a 50-year-old former star who dares to have sexual feelings for a younger man (William Holden). (Paramount, Blu-ray, $26.98; not rated.)

For Cinephiles

‘ALFRED HITCHCOCK: THE MASTERPIECE COLLECTION’ Uneven transfer quality mars this collection of 15 films by one of the greatest artists of the medium, many in their Blu-ray debut. (Universal, Blu-ray, $299.98; not rated.)

‘HEAVEN’S GATE’ A thorough restoration of Michael Cimino’s sprawling 1980 western, presented in a 216-minute cut approved by the director. (Criterion Collection, Blu-ray, $49.95; DVD, $39.95; not rated.)

‘MARY PICKFORD RAGS AND RICHES COLLECTION’ Hollywood’s first female superstar in three representative silent features — “The Poor Little Rich Girl” (1917), “The Hoodlum” (1919) and “Sparrows” (1926) — presented with new orchestral scores. (Milestone, Blu-ray, $39.95; DVD, $34.95; not rated.)

‘DIE NIBELUNGEN’ Fritz Lang’s two-part, four-hour adaptation of the epic poem that inspired Wagner’s “Ring” cycle, here in a superb recent restoration and accompanied by a new recording of Gottfried Huppertz’s original 1924 score. (Kino Lorber, Blu-ray, $39.95; not rated.)

‘THE OTTO PREMINGER COLLECTION’ Three controversial films from this director’s late period — “Hurry Sundown” (1967), “Skidoo” (1968) and “Such Good Friends” (1971) — now remastered for Blu-ray. (Olive, Blu-ray, $69.95; R.)

‘VITAPHONE VARIETIES VOLUME 2’ Thirty-five early sound shorts, produced between 1927 and 1931, many filmed in the Warner Brothers Brooklyn studios, that preserve the essence of American vaudeville with performers like Edgar Bergen, Fred Allen and the Yacht Club Boys. (Warner Archive Collection, DVD, $29.95; not rated.)

‘WE CAN’T GO HOME AGAIN’ The last major work of Nicholas Ray (“Rebel Without a Cause”), made with students at the State University of New York, Binghamton, presented here in a reconstruction of its Cannes festival premiere version from 1973. (Oscilloscope, Blu-ray, $34.99; DVD, $29.99; not rated.)