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Welcome Unit Listening and Speaking音频和原文

[2024年1月10日] 来源:新课标人教版            

作为高中英语第一本书的开篇单元,Welcome Unit相当于就是“初高衔接”的一个单元。下面,给力英语与大家分享自主学习素材。Listening and speaking的听力原文在最后面。


Conversation 1 In the registration office.

Amy: Good morning. My name is Amy Jones. I’m here for a student ID card.

Mr Wang: Nice to meet you, Amy. I'm Mr. Wang. Sit down, please. Er. Sorry,what's your last name again? Amy: Amy Jones.J-O-N-E-S

Mr Wang: OK. Thank you. And where are you from? AmyAmy: I’m from the USA.

Mr Wang: OK. What's your student number? Amy: 170143.

Mr Wang: 170143. Got it. You're in Grade 1, aren’t you? Amy: Yes, I am.

Mr Wang: OK. Your email address? Amy: Amyj16@pep.com.cn.

Mr Wang: Amyj16@ pep(p-e-p).com.cn. Got it. Now, stand over here, please.Smile! (Sound of flash as photo is taken.)

Conversation 2 ln the dining hall. Max: Hi, Amy! How's it going?

Amy: Great. How about you?

Max: I’m good. Let’s go and sit down. (they walk to a table.)

Amy: What do you think about senior high school?

Max:So far, so good, Amy. I've had maths and English this morning. The maths class is getting more difficult but it's really interesting. It's my favourite class so far. How about you?

Amy: I think science is more fun. Chemistry is my favourite.

Conversation 3 In the adviser’s room. Amy: Good morning, Ms Li

Ms Li: Morning, Amy. How are you doing?

Amy:Very well, thank you. Ms Li, I want to be a designer in the future, so what courses do you think I should choose?

Ms Li: Oh, interesting! Well, first of all, I think an art course would be helpful to you. And there are some other courses.

(Fade out.)

VOA 英语教学节目
