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Welcome Unit Listening and Talking音频和原文

[2024年1月10日] 来源:新课标人教版            

作为高中英语第一本书的开篇单元,Welcome Unit相当于就是“初高衔接”的一个单元。下面,给力英语与大家分享自主学习素材。Listening and Talking的听力原文在最后面。


Welcome unit Part 4 Listening and Talking.

Amy:Hi,Li Ming. Ready for the test? Do you have any study tips for me?

Li Ming: Not really. I just listen to the teacher and take notes.

Amy: Oh, groupwork is my favourite way to learn. I’m an outgoing person, so I like to discussthings.Talking to others helps me remember things.

LiMing: I’m not very good at group work but I have other ways of remembering things. I like using flash cards. They are really effective.

Amy:Hmm...Notes and flash cards. I think you're a visual learner.(视觉型学习者)

Li Ming: Yes, I guess so. I learn best when I look at pictures, so I make mind maps(思维导图) to organise my thoughts. I keep a learning diary, too. I write down what I've learnt and my thoughts. It helps me plan my learning and what I need to review for exams.

Amy:Ah,that's a good idea. I want to try that! My friends and I have a study group. We talk about what we’re learning and help each other. Why don’t you join us?

Li Ming: Sure, I’d like that.

VOA 英语教学节目
