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外研社高中英语选修六Module 4 Vocabulary and reading翻译和录音

[2018年10月27日] 来源:外语教学与研究出版社 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

Street music

It’s a warm Saturday afternoon in a busy side road in the old district of Barcelona. The pedestrians are standing in a semi-circle around someone or something in front of the cathedral. I push my way through the crowd and find a quartet of musicians playing a violin suite of classical music. The session lasts ten minutes. Then one of the musicians picks up a saucer on the ground, and asks for money. All contributions are voluntary, no one has to pay, but the crowd shrinks as some people slide away. But others happily throw in a few coins. They’re grateful for this brief interval of music as they go shopping.

Below the window of my apartment in Paris, a music man takes a place made vacant by an earlier musician. He raises the lid of his barrel organ and turns the handle. Then he sings the songs of old Paris, songs of the people and their love affairs. I remember some of the words even though I have never consciously learnt them. I tap my feet and sing along with him. Down there on the pavement, few passersby stop. Some smile, others walk past with their heads down. Cars pass, gangs of boys form and disappear, someone even puts a coin the cup on the organ. But the music man ignores them all. He’s hot in the sun, so he mps his head with a spotted handkerchief. He just keeps singing and turning the handle.

In Harlem, New York, some locals place a sound system by an open window. They plug it into the electrical socket, and all of a sudden, there’s dancing in the streets. In downtown Tokyo, young couples eat popcorn and dance to the music of a rockabilly band, which plays American music from the Fifties. In the London Underground a student plays classical guitar music, which echoes along the tunnels. It lifts the spirits of the passengers, who hurry past on their way to work. In a street in Vienna or Prague or Milan a group of pipa musicians from the far Andes fill the air with sounds of South America.

The street musician is keeping alive a culture which has almost disappeared in our busy, organized, and regulated lives: the sound of music when you least expect it. In a recording studio, even when relayed by microphone, music loses some of its liveliness. Bt street music gives life to everyone who listens and offers relief from the cares of the day. It only exists in the present, it only has meaning in the context. It needs space.




