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人教社高中英语新教材选择性必修一Unit 5 Using Language听力和翻译

[2024年2月7日] 来源:新课标人教版            




Unit 5 Fascinating Parks

Using Language

Host: Good moring, listeners. Today is World Food Day, and David Bond from the UNS FAO is here to talk about world hunger. Welcome, David! Please explain what the FAO is and what its aims are.

David: Good morning. For those who don't know, FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organisation.And our aim is simple—to eliminate world hunger, which, according to our latest figures, stands at around 11% of the world's population.

Host: So I guess things like droughts, floods, and climate change are all major factors in this.

David: Yes, that's right, they can all seriously affect crop production, And another factor is poverty.There is strong evidence to suggest that many people just can't afford to eat well. And it's not just about having enough food to eat; people need to eat enough nutritious food, which often they cannot afford or do not have access to. The FAO believes everyone should have the right to healthy food.

Host: And what about war? I've seen many researchers say that it directly leads to mass hunger.

David: Absolutely true. Our research indicates that wars can heavily affect food production and transportation, meaning that millions of people have to go hungry.

Host: So what can we do to alleviate world hunger?

David: Well, the UN is making efforts to reduce climate change, and the FAO runs a project called Climate—smart Agriculture, which helps countries to develop sustainable agriculture. However,every country needs to focus on making new achievements in agriculture, too, which can often benefit the whole world. Like China, for example, whose development of hybrid rice has greatly increased rice production in many other countries. And, of course, global conflict must be eliminated And don't forget that we as individuals can also make a difference: buy food that supports the environment, and never waste food.

Host: David Bond, thank you very much. Just a quick message to our listeners: you can find more information on world hunger on the FAO website...



Activity 2

1 FAO stands for Food and Agriculture Organisation. Its aim is to eliminate world hunger.

2 Droughts, floods, and climate change

3 The FAO believes everyone should have the right to get healthy food.

4 The FAO runs a project called Climate Smart Agriculture, which helps countries to develop sustainable agriculture.

5 Every country needs to focus on making new achievements in agriculture too, which can often benefit the whole world.

Activity 3

1 B 2 C 3 A

Using language

Chemical Versus Organic Farming



Chemical pesticides and artificial fertilisers have been in widespread use in farming since the middle of the 20th century. When they were first introduced, many farmers welcomed them as a great way to fight crop disease and increase production. Over time, however, what some scientists have found is that their long-term use can sometimes harm both the land and peoples’ health.




For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones. In addition, these chemicals can stay in the soil and underground water sources for a long time. This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn, the animals and humans who digest them. Many people worry that these chemicals may make them ill and even cause cancer. In fact, some pesticides like DDT have been prohibited in most countries because of the damage they cause to people and the environment. As for chemical fertilisers, crops grown with them usually grow too fast to be rich in nutrition. They may look beautiful on the outside, but inside there is usually more water than essential minerals, and they often have less flavour as well.




As an alternative, some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery. Organic farming is simply farming without using any chemicals. Organic farmers focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease through natural means. For example, many organic farmers use natural waste from animals as fertiliser. This makes the soil in their fields richer in minerals. It also keeps the air, soil, water, and crops free of chemicals.




Organic farmers also use many other methods to produce rich soil. They often change the kind of crop grown in each field every year. For instance, they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. Why different crops are grown is because they put important minerals back into the ground, making it ready again for the next batch of crops. Organic farmers also plant diverse crops that use different depths of soil to help keep it rich. For example, peanuts grow on the ground's surface, but many other vegetables put down deep roots. The goal of using different organic farming methods is to grow good food while avoiding damage to the environment or to people's health.




Some people would prefer to stop the use of man-made chemicals in agriculture entirely. What keeps them from doing so is the fact that chemical farming serves the high demand for food around the world. Organic farming is nowhere near able to meet that need. Therefore, there is still a long way to find a suitable solution that puts sufficient food on the dinner table while keeping people and the environment as healthy as possible.



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