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人教社高中英语新教材选择性必修四Unit 2 Workbook听力和翻译

[2024年2月7日] 来源:新课标人教版            

***Listening and Speaking (page 70)***




Reporter:I’m at the opening of "Culture and Ceremony: Bronze in Ancient China", a new exhibition at the British Museum in London. It's very popular! Visitors have come to admire fantastic relics from the National Museum of China in Beijing. Here now is Chinese bronze expert, Li Chen. Could you tell us what visitors can expect to see here, Mr Li?


Li Chen:Yes, as part of an exchange programme, wev’e brought some of our best bronze relics to put on display. Bronze has an important place in Chinese history. It was used for many purposes, from food containers to important ceremonial items. Some of the relics on display here date back to the Xia and Shang Periods. The beautiful and detailed designs are a reflection of the wisdom and artistic talent of our ancestors.


Reporter: That's incredible. I particularly like the bronze instruments. So, is this an ongoing exchange programme?


Li Chen:Yes, the programme began with the British Museums exhibition in Beijing in 2015. The aim is to promote cultural exchange between nations. Although there are a lot of bronze relics to see here, it's a small selection of what the National Museum of China has. We hope this taste will encourage more people to visit Beijing in the future!


Reporter:I’m sure it will. Thank you. Visitors are already amazed by the splendid and long-standing culture of ancient China, and I have one here with me now. Tania is a teacher visiting with her art students. What do they think of the exhibition so far?


Tania:They love it. They’re impressed by the age of the objects and the level of craftsmanship


Reporter:Have they seen relics like these before?


Tania:They’ve seen other bronze relics in museums before, but this has really stirred their interest to learn more!


Reporter:Thank you. The exhibition runs for six months. Although the British Museum is free, tickets are necessary for this special exhibition to control visitor numbers. You can buy tickets online, and I suggest you do it quickly as they’re selling fast! Back to the studio.

Reading and Writing P71

Hi there, Aunt Joan




How are you? Mum said you asked how I was dong, so let me tell you about my life here.




As you know, I’ve been in China for around a month now. I want to study in a local university which is why I took those after-school Chinese classes. I decided on China because it's a fast-developing country with trade links all over the word. Studying here could be useful in finding a good job in trade or business. What's more, Chinese Culture is really interesting, so choosing to come here was a no-brainer for me!


你也知道,我来到中国已经一个月了。我想在当地的大学里学习 所以我参加了课后中文课。我之所以选择中国,是因为中国是一个快速发展的国家,贸易联系遍布全球。在这里学习可以在贸易或商业领域找到一份好工作。而且,中国文化真的很有趣,所以选择来这里对我来说是个不二之选。


Having said that, China isn’t like I thought it might be. I thought it would be quite old and traditional but in many ways, the cites are just as modem as back home in Vancouver, only with lots more people! There’s so much more food to try too, and it’s all delicious! Everywhere I go, I see restaurants and snack stalls—it seems to be a big part of their culture. Food here is very reasonably priced so it’s great for my budget. The people I meet are all very welcoming towards me as a foreigner, and I even seem to be a point of interest! However, hardly anyone speaks English in my area, so it can be a bit overwhelming at times. But I guess that’s why I’m here-to learn.




Right now, I’m studying every day for m HSK exam (a Chinese language qualification. But I also get a chance to explore the city. I usually get up extra early each morning to enjoy a freshly made breakfast on the street and then I often visit a park, I’m not sure if you know but I’m really interested in tai chi, so I spend a lot of time in the city parks practising with the locals. There’s a lot of traditional culture still alive in China. The park are full of people playing traditional instruments, playing Chinese chess, and even writing calligraphy on the ground with giant paintbrush.



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