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Investigators Find Black Box From Cargo Ship That Crashed Into Baltimore Bridge

[2024年3月28日] 来源:VOA News  整理:Geilien.cn   字号 [] [] []  

U.S. federal safety investigators say they have recovered the data-recording black box from the cargo ship that crashed into a Baltimore bridge, while divers on Wednesday continued their search for the bodies of six workers who plummeted into the Patapsco River when the span collapsed.

Investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board hope the data box will help answer questions as to why the Dali freight vessel lost power shortly after setting sail for Sri Lanka in the early morning darkness Tuesday and then minutes later crashed into one of two main support pillars for the Francis Scott Key Bridge.
美国国家运输安全委员会(NTSB)的调查人员希望该数据箱能够帮助解答以下问题:为什么“大理”号货船在周二凌晨的黑暗中启航前往斯里兰卡后不久就失去动力,然后在几分钟后撞上了弗朗西斯·斯科特·基大桥(Francis Scott Key Bridge) 的两个主要支撑柱之一。

NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy said investigators are also planning to interview the ship's crew, which sent out a mayday distress call shortly before the collision with the bridge, a warning that gave police and transportation officials moments to block motorists from driving onto either end of the bridge.
该委员会主席詹妮弗·霍曼迪(Jennifer Homendy)表示,调查人员还计划约谈船员,他们在与大桥相撞前不久发出紧急呼叫,这一警告让警察和交通运输官员有时间阻止驾车者驶上大桥的两端。

The workers, from Mexico and several Central American countries, had been filling potholes on the major U.S. eastern seaboard highway running across the bridge. A large portion of the fallen bridge landed atop the bow of the freighter, but efforts to untangle the debris have yet to start.

Maryland state police officer Roland Butler told U.S. media that rescue workers do not know where the remains of the six workers who fell into the frigid waters are, but said, "We intend to give it our best effort to help these families find closure."
马里兰州警查罗兰·巴特勒(Roland Butler)告诉美国媒体,救援人员不知道落入寒冷海水的六名工人的遗体在哪里,但他表示,“我们打算尽最大努力帮助这些家庭获得宽慰。”

Baltimore City Fire Chief James Wallace told CNN that local, state and federal dive teams will begin the process of underwater mapping of the accident area on Wednesday.
巴尔的摩市消防队长詹姆斯·华莱士(James Wallace)告诉美国有线电视新闻网(CNN),当地、州和联邦的潜水队将于周三开始对事故区域进行水下测绘。

The disaster has forced the closure of the Baltimore, Maryland port, one of the busiest in the United States, stopping freight shipments into and out of the city, as well as cruise ship vacations.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said closure of the port would have a "major and protracted impact to supply chains." The Port of Baltimore handles more automobile freight than any other U.S. port — more than 750,000 vehicles in 2022, according to port data.
美国运输部长皮特·布蒂吉格(Pete Buttigieg)表示,关闭该港口将“对供应链产生重大而持久的影响”。根据港口数据,巴尔的摩港处理的汽车货运量比美国任何其他港口都多,2022年超过75万辆汽车。

President Joe Biden vowed Tuesday that the bridge would be rebuilt as quickly as possible and that the federal government would pay for it, but some analysts say that it could be at least a year before a new bridge is completed.
总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)周二发誓将尽快重建大桥,联邦政府将支付费用,但一些分析人士表示,新桥可能至少需要一年才能竣工。

Maryland Governor Wes Moore said ending the rescue effort for the missing workers before darkness set in Tuesday evening was “a really heartbreaking conclusion to a challenging day.” The governor said authorities at the federal, state and local levels will use every resource available to find their remains.
马里兰州州长韦斯·摩尔(Wes Moore)表示,在周二晚上天黑之前结束对失踪工人的救援工作是“这个充满挑战的一天的真正令人心碎的尾声”。州长表示,联邦、州和地方各级当局将利用一切可用资源寻找他们的遗骸。

The Guatemalan foreign affairs ministry issued a statement late Tuesday saying two of the workers were Guatemalan nationals — a 26-year-old from the Petén region and a 35-year-old from the Chiquimula area.

A nonprofit organization that provides services to the Baltimore immigrant community says one of the missing workers was from El Salvador, had lived in Maryland for 19 years and was married with three children. News outlets identified the other workers as being from Mexico and Honduras.

Clay Diamond, executive director of the American Pilots Association, the organization that represents workers responsible for steering seagoing vessels, said the Singapore-flagged Dali container ship had a “total blackout” of engine and electrical power minutes before the collision.
代表负责操纵海船行驶方向的工人的美国领航员协会(American Pilots Association)执行董事克莱·戴蒙德(Clay Diamond)表示,这艘悬挂新加坡旗的“大理”号集装箱船在碰撞发生前几分钟,发动机和电力“完全瘫痪”。

Video showed the bridge quickly collapsing into the river after the Dali collided with a support column. The vessel, 48 meters wide and 300 meters long, was loaded with cargo containers.

Synergy Marine Group, managers of the Dali, issued a statement saying that all 20 of its crew members and the two Maryland harbor pilots on board were accounted for and there were no reports of injuries on board the vessel.
“大理”号管理方Synergy海事集团(Synergy Marine Group)发表声明称,船上20名船员和两名马里兰州港口领航员均已安全找到,船上没有人员受伤的报告。

U.S. news outlets are reporting an inspection of the Dali last year at a port in Chile found that the vessel had a deficiency related to “propulsion and auxiliary machinery.”

The inspection, conducted on June 27 at the port of San Antonio, specified that the problem concerned gauges and thermometers. A later inspection, however, found no defects.

Singapore's Maritime and Port Authority said in a statement that the vessel passed two separate foreign-port inspections last June and September. It said a faulty fuel pressure gauge was rectified before the vessel departed the port following its June inspection.
新加坡海事及港务局(Maritime and Port Authority)在一份声明中表示,该船去年6月和9月通过了两次单独的外国港口检查。该机构表示,在6月份的检查后,有故障的燃油压力表在该船离开港口之前已得到纠正。

The 47-year-old, 2.5-kilometer-long Francis Scott Key Bridge was a major link in the interstate highway that circles the city of Baltimore. Biden said 30,000 vehicles crossed the bridge on a typical day.

The bridge was named after Francis Scott Key, the writer of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”Key was inspired to write the poem after witnessing the British bombardment of a major U.S. military fort in Baltimore in 1814 during the war that began in 1812. The poem was later set to music to eventually become the U.S. national anthem.
这座大桥以《星条旗》(The Star Spangled Banner)的作者弗朗西斯·斯科特·基(Francis Scott Key)命名。1812年,英美两国爆发战争。1814年,弗朗西斯·斯科特·基亲眼目睹英军炮击巴尔的摩的美军要塞,他被守军的顽强所鼓舞,写下了《星条旗》这首诗。这首诗后来被谱上曲,最终成为美国的国歌。