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Fallen Crypto Mogul Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison

[2024年3月29日] 来源:VOA News  整理:Geilien.cn   字号 [] [] []  
2024年3月28日,在这张法庭素描中,山姆·班克曼-弗里德(右二)在纽约曼哈顿联邦法院宣判时站着发表陈述。 (美联社照片)

Crypto entrepreneur Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced Thursday to 25 years in prison for a massive fraud that unraveled with the collapse of FTX, once one of the world's most popular platforms for exchanging digital currency.
风光一时的加密币创业家山姆·班克曼-弗里德(Sam Bankman-Fried)周四(3月28日)被判处25年监禁,罪名是大规模欺诈行为。其欺诈骗局随着数字货币交换平台FTX的崩溃而解体。FTX曾经是世界上最受欢迎的数字货币交换平台之一。

Bankman-Fried, 32, was convicted in November of fraud and conspiracy — a dramatic fall from a crest of success that included a Super Bowl advertisement and celebrity endorsements from stars like quarterback Tom Brady, basketball star Stephen Curry and comedian Larry David.
32岁的班克曼-弗里德于去年11月被判犯有欺诈和串谋罪,彻底从明星舞台上跌落。他曾经出现在超级碗(Super Bowl)广告,还得到了美式橄榄球四分卫汤姆·布雷迪(Tom Brady)、篮球明星斯蒂芬·库里(Stephen Curry)和喜剧演员拉里·戴维(Larry David)等明星和名人的背书。

U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan imposed the sentence in the same Manhattan courtroom where, four months ago, Bankman-Fried testified that his intention had been to revolutionize the emerging cryptocurrency market with his innovative and altruistic ideas, not to steal.
联邦地区法院法官刘易斯·卡普兰(Lewis A. Kaplan)在曼哈顿的一个法庭上宣布了量刑判决。四个月前,班克曼-弗里德在同一法庭上作证说,他的意图是用他的创新和利他主义的想法,彻底改变新兴的加密货币市场,而不是偷窃。

Kaplan said the sentence reflected "that there is a risk that this man will be in position to do something very bad in the future. And it's not a trivial risk at all." He added that it was "for the purpose of disabling him to the extent that can appropriately be done for a significant period of time."

Prior to sentencing, Bankman-Fried had said, "My useful life is probably over. It's been over for a while now, from before my arrest."

Prosecutors said Bankman-Fried had cost customers, investors and lenders over $10 billion by misappropriating billions of dollars to fuel his quest for influence and dominance in the new industry, and had illegally used money from FTX depositors to cover his expenses, which included purchasing luxury properties in the Caribbean, alleged bribes to Chinese officials and private planes.
检察官表示,班克曼-弗里德挪用数十亿美元来推动他在新行业中寻求影响力和主导地位的努力,使客户、投资者和贷方损失了超过100亿美元。他还非法使用FTX 储户的资金来支付自己的开支,其中包括在加勒比地区购买豪宅、涉嫌贿赂中国官员,以及购买私人飞机等等。

Bankman-Fried was worth billions of dollars on paper as the co-founder and CEO of FTX, which was the second-largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world at one time.

FTX allowed investors to buy dozens of virtual currencies, from Bitcoin to more obscure ones like Shiba Inu Coin. Flush with billions of dollars of investors' cash, Bankman-Fried took out a Super Bowl advertisement to promote his business and bought the naming rights to an arena in Miami.
FTX允许投资者购买数十种虚拟货币,从著名的比特币(Bitcoin)到柴犬币(Shiba Inu Coin)等不知名的虚拟币。班克曼-弗里德拥有数十亿美元的投资者现金,他拿出超级碗广告来宣传他的业务,并购买了迈阿密一个竞技场的冠名权。

But the collapse of cryptocurrency prices in 2022 took its toll on FTX, and ultimately led to its downfall. FTX's hedge fund affiliate, known as Alameda Research, had bought billions of dollars of various crypto investments that lost considerable amounts of value in 2022. Bankman-Fried tried to plug the holes in Alameda's balance sheet with FTX customer funds.
但是,2022年加密货币价格的暴跌对FTX造成了损失,并最终导致其垮台。FTX的对冲基金附属公司阿拉米达研究(Alameda Research)之前购买了数十亿美元的各种加密货币投资,这些投资在2022年损失了大量的价值。班克曼-弗里德试图用FTX客户资金填补阿拉米达研究资产负债表上的漏洞。

Three other people from Bankman-Fried's inner circle pleaded guilty to related crimes and testified at his trial.

The biggest name among the three was Caroline Ellison, once the girlfriend of Bankman-Fried. Ellison described Bankman-Fried as a calculating individual who knew that he was likely committing crimes when he directed the use of customer funds. Two other onetime friends of Bankman-Fried, Gary Wang and Nishad Singh, also testified they felt they were directed by Bankman-Fried to commit fraud.
三人中名头最大的是卡罗琳·埃里森(Caroline Ellison),她曾经是班克曼-弗里德的女朋友。埃里森称班克曼-弗里德是一个精于算计的人,当他指示使用客户资金时,他知道自己很可能是在犯罪。班克曼-弗里德的另外两个曾经的朋友加里·王(Gary Wang)和尼沙德·辛格(Nishad Singh)也作证说,他们觉得自己是班克曼-弗里德指示他们进行欺诈的。