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[2018-12-03] 来源:VOA News 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

VOA news. I'm Christopher Cruise reporting.

Israeli police on Sunday recommended indictments for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, on bribery and other charges.

The recommended indictments are a result of police investigation. They are looking into whether regulatory benefits were granted to a large Israeli telecommunications company in exchange for positive news stories about the prime minister.

Police say there is evidence to charge the couple with bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

The attorney general will now decide whether the Netanyahus will be indicted.

Police had already recommended indicting the prime minister on corruption charges in two other cases.

Former President George H. W. Bush will make his final trip to Washington on Monday.

Trump's spokeswoman Sarah Sanders says the late president will be honored at Washington National Cathedral though details have not yet been announced. And even though president Trump had a tense relationship with the Bush family, Sanders says he and Mrs. Trump will attend.

He'll also designate Wednesday as a national day of mourning after tweeting the 41st president was a "truly wonderful man" whose "accomplishments were great from beginning to end."

The other ex-presidents are also praising him, with President Obama saying George H. W. Bush's legacy of service may never be matched though he'll want all of us to try.

Associated Press [correspondent] White House correspondent Sagar Meghani. President Trump says he will approve a two-week extension of government funding to avoid conflicts with ceremonies honoring the late President Bush. Funding for some government operations will run out on Friday although much of the U.S. government's functions have been funded through next September.

Trump and lawmakers have argued in recent days over his demand for $5 billion in funding for a border wall.

This is VOA news.

French President Emmanuel Macron held an emergency security meeting Sunday to talk about how to deal with the protesters who have mounted demonstrations in Paris for three straight weekends. They are upset with new taxes and with Macron's leadership.

The demonstration in Paris this weekend evolved into a riot. It's the worst urban rioting in Paris in at least 10 years, possibly much longer.

Pope Francis has lit a candle to signal the start of a global campaign to push for peace in Syria.

Associated Press correspondent Charles De Ledesma reports.

The pope's lighting of the candle with the images of some 40 Syrian children, mostly from Aleppo, launches a global campaign for Syria, which the organization Aid to the Church in Need says involves some 50,000 children of different religions from war-torn Syrian cities.

Francis wants a movement of peace in the war-torn country, which has been "martyred by a war," he says, which has lasted for nearly eight years.

He's told believers gathering in St. Peter's Square on the first Sunday of the Advent season leading up to Christmas that "Advent is a time of hope." Tens of thousands of people protested in Georgia Sunday against last week's run-off presidential election. They believe it was rigged.

The trial of a Mexican drug lord "El Chapo" is offering a vivid look at the lawlessness and excesses of his cartel's smuggling of tons of cocaine into the U.S.

Associated Press correspondent Julie Walker reports.

Some incredible testimony coming out of federal court in Brooklyn, including jets stopped with millions in cash, factory workers accidentally getting high while stuffing jalapeno cans-full of cocaine, secret tunnels - El Chapo used one to escape from prison, diamond-encrusted pistols, bribed police officials and a drug smuggler who got radical plastic surgery to alter his appearance.

That's all according to the cast of characters who have taken the witness stand so far in Joaquin Guzman's trial.

The World Health Organization is warning that Pakistan is registering approximately 20,000 new HIV infections every year. That's the highest rate of increase among all countries in the region.

The WHO says mortality among Pakistanis living with the virus, which causes the deadly AIDS disease, is also rising in spite of the availability of lifesaving medicines.

Officials say the HIV epidemic in Pakistan remains largely concentrated among those who inject drugs, the transgender community, sex workers and their clients and men who have sex with men.

You can find more on these and other late breaking and developing stories, from around the world, around the clock, at voanews.com and on the VOA news mobile app. I'm Christopher Cruise, VOA news.