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金正恩再会文在寅 白宫筹备小组将赶赴新加坡

[2018-05-27] 来源:VOA News 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

From Washington, this is VOA news. I'm Liz Parker reporting.


Despite President Trump's apparent cancellation, preparations continue for a possible summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

AP correspondent Ben Thomas reports.

Just two days after President Trump sent a letter to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, calling off their June 12 summit, the White House says a team is still heading to Singapore this weekend to work on logistics for that meeting.

Trump's abrupt cancellation of the summit caught ally South Korea off guard. President Moon Jae-in called the decision very regrettable and said it left him perplexed.

Moon and Kim held a surprise second summit to discuss the situation Saturday at the border village of Panmunjom.

Ben Thomas, Washington.

An Irish election official has confirmed a landslide victory for abortion rights advocates as Ireland repeals its constitutional ban.

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar spoke from Dublin Saturday. "A quiet revolution has taken place. And today is a great act of democracy. A hundred years since women gained the right to vote, today we as a people have spoken and we say that we trust women and we respect women to make their own decisions and their own choices."

One point four million ballots were cast for the repeal while some 724,000 voted to keep the measure in place.

??? Bennett was one of them. "I think it's a sad day for the country personally. I think that in the long term, I think it'll be a decision that'll be regretted. ...."

The margin of victory exceeded expectations and will likely make it much easier for Irish women to legally get abortions for the first time.

This is VOA news.

Venezuela's chief spokesman says a Utah man and his wife jailed in Caracas for two years have been freed and will soon arrive in the United States.

Communications Minister Jorge Rodriguez said Saturday that the release of Joshua Holt follows months of dialogue between President Nicholás Maduro and representatives of the United States.

The destructive fury of the erupting Kilauea volcano was unleashed on the Big Island's Leilani Estates housing development. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, 82 homes were destroyed in the neighborhood as of Friday.

Homeowner Denise Dalton lost her home due to fissure eruptions. She spoke to KHON TV news. "You know as a mom, I'm focusing on my son and my daughter, but, you know, inside I'm a complete mess. We lost the house and everything inside."

Firefighters went door to door Friday, evacuating residents before the lave arrived.

There are calls for the resignation of a prominent Roman Catholic cleric in Australia. The archbishop of Adelaide, Philip Wilson, has been found guilty by a court in New South Wales of covering up child sexual abuse.

Wilson's lawyers said he had no knowledge of offences committed against altar boys by a fellow member of the clergy in the 1970s.

Wilson has stepped aside from his official duties.

The head of Catholic Social Services Australia, Father Frank Brennan, believes Pope Francis would be expecting the archbishop to quit.

"... then I would think the mind of the pope would be that that doesn't measure up in church terms either and that therefore it would be impossible for someone to remain in the job as a bishop as a leader of the flock."

Wilson is the most senior Catholic figure to be convicted of this type of offence anywhere in the world.

Authorities in India-administered Kashmir say security forces have killed at least four suspected militants who crossed into the disputed territory from Pakistan.

Officials say the government troops clashed with the rebels Saturday in the remote northwestern Tangdhar sector.

There has been no immediate claim of responsibility from any militant group.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos announced Friday that his country will formally become NATO's first Latin American "global partner," beginning next week.

Colombia and NATO reached a partnership deal in May 2017 following the conclusion of the peace accord with FARC, now a political party.

Florida and Mississippi launched emergency preparations Saturday ahead of the arrival of Subtropical Storm Alberto, slow-moving system expected to cause wet misery across the eastern U.S. Gulf.

I'm Liz Parker.

That's the latest world news from VOA.

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