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Square the circle 做不可能的事情

[2018年11月20日] 来源:BBC Learning English 编辑:给力英语新闻网   字号 [] [] []  

要想把圆变成方的,那几乎是不可能的事。“Square the circle 化圆成方” 这个说法源于古代希腊几何学的一道作图问题,由于长久以来一直没能找到题解,所以人们现在用 “square the circle” 或 “square a circle” 来比喻 “做一件很难办到,甚至是不可能的事”。


You can’t have a stable office job whilst being a world traveller. You’re trying to square the circle!

I want to get married but I also want to be single! I think I might be trying to square the circle here.

He wanted a new, fast sports car at a low price! I told him he was trying to square a circle!

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