每日一词:Stroke | 中风

编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2016年10月1日 作者:纽约时报

Nguyen Tran
Nguyen Tran

Stroke 中风、脑卒中。世界卫生组织的官网上这样介绍中风:A stroke is caused by the interruption of the blood supply to the brain, usually because a blood vessel bursts or is blocked by a clot. This cuts off the supply of oxygen and nutrients, causing damage to the brain tissue.(中风是由脑部供血中断引起的,通常是因为血管破裂或被血栓堵塞。这导致氧气与营养的供应被切断,造成脑组织损伤。)






Early one summer morning in 2001, I arrived at the office and felt a slight buzzing in my right eye and some tingly numbness in my hands, which I dismissed as mere morning grogginess. A little later, I stood up to make a presentation at a team meeting. A colleague later told me she saw my mouth droop as my words started slurring.

The next thing I knew, someone was saying: “You’ve had a stroke. We have to run a scan to figure out what’s going on. Do you understand?”



除中风以外,Stroke在英文中还有击球(hit)、轻抚(touch)、笔锋(vigor of style in writing)等意思。