每日一词:Temperament | 气质

编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2016年10月2日 作者:纽约时报

Doug Mills/The New York Times
Doug Mills/The New York Times

Temperament 韦氏词典定义为:the usual attitude, mood, or behavior of a person or animal (人或动物一贯的态度、情绪或行为)。中文一般译为“气质”、“性情”。



接近尾声的时候,特朗普宣称:“我有赢的气质。我知道怎么赢。”(I have a winning temperament. I know how to win.)


克林顿反唇相讥:“一个会被一条推文激怒的人,不应该让他的手指接近核武器密码。”(A man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes.)



“Trump had one major task in the debate: to start persuading more voters that he has the competence and temperament to be commander in chief. That is a relatively low bar for a traditional nominee to pass, but a critical one for Trump given his history of making inflammatory and insulting comments about Hispanics, women, Muslims, people with disabilities and other groups.”