每日一词:To get a foot on the ladder 跨进职业生涯的门槛

编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2017年12月6日 作者:BBC Learning English

“To get a foot on the ladder 一只脚踏上梯子”是一个和职业有关的英语表达,指的是“找到进入某公司、组织或行业中的第一份工作”,就好比我们在汉语里常说的“迈进某个行业的门槛”。


Tim's uncle gave him an internship at his company to help him get a foot on the ladder.

Don't be afraid to start at the bottom. Once you get your foot on the ladder you'll progress easily.

I went to lots of networking events when I started out in sales. It helped me get a foot on the ladder.