每日一词:Lay it on thick 过分吹捧、责难

编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2017年11月20日 作者:BBC Learning English

这是一个英式口语表达,它的字面意思是“抹得太厚”,实际含义是“过分称赞、责难某人”。我们也可以在“lay it on thick”中加入“a bit 有一点”,变成“lay it on a bit thick”,意思是“称赞或责备得有点过头”。

另一个和这个说法相似的英语表达是“to butter someone up 把黄油涂在某人身上”,它用来表示“拍马屁,吹捧”,但“butter someone up”没有“过分责难”的意思。


I might have laid it on a bit thick when I told Britney how pretty her new dress was.

Don’t lay it on thick when you compliment people – it will make you sound fake.

James might have laid it on a bit thick with his daughter just now. After all, she only broke a plate.