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班门弄斧|Teaching Fish to Swim

[2024年3月8日] 来源:网络 编辑:Geilien.cn    

班门弄斧,Teaching Fish to Swim

During the Warring States period, there wasa carpenter named Lu Ban. He was good at making woody tools. One day, a young man passed by a red gate. He held up an axe with his hand and said: “This axe is really good. I can make the greatest tools in the world with it.” Hearing this, people around here all laughed. One person asked: “So, can you make a more beautiful gate than this one?” “That’s so easy! I was a student of Lu Ban before!Making a similar gate is like a piece of cake!” The young man said arrogantly. “But the gate was made by Lu Ban!” All people said.

鲁班是战国时代的鲁国人。他是一个善于制作精巧器具的能手,人们叫他“巧人”,民间历来把他奉为木匠的始祖。 有一天,一个年轻的木匠漫不经心地走到一个大红门的房子前,举起自己手里的斧子,说:“我这把斧子,别看它不起眼,可不管是什么木料,只要到了我的手里,用我的斧头这么一弄,就会做出漂亮无比的东西来。” 旁边的人听了,觉得他太夸口,就指着身后的大红门说:“小师傅,那你能做出比这扇还好的门吗?”年轻的木匠傲慢地说:“不是我吹牛,告诉你们,我曾经当过鲁班的学生,难道还做不出这样一扇简单的大门来,简直是笑话。” 众人听了,忍不住大笑起来,说:“这就是鲁班先生的家,这扇就是他亲手做的,你真的能做出比这扇还好的门吗?”那位年轻的木匠不好意思地跑掉了。


carpenter 木匠

be good at doing sth. 擅长做某事

pass by路过

hold up举起

axe 斧头

similar 相似的

a piece of cake 小菜一碟

arrogantly 傲慢地