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[2024年3月8日] 来源:网络 编辑:Geilien.cn    


A young man ran a business in the market. One day, he held up a shield and said proudly: “My shield is very strong. It can stop any spear in the world.” Then he held up his spear and bragged: “My spear is very sharp. No matter how strong a shield is, my spear can pierce it.” People all around here laughed when they heard the words of the young man. One of them asked: “So, according to what you said, your spear is the sharpest. No matter how strong a shield is, your spear can pierce it. And your shield is also the strongest. No matter how sharp a spear is, it can’t pierce your shield. Well, what will happen if I pierce your shield with your spear?" The young man was too embarrassed to say anything.

古时候,有一个人,他既卖矛又卖盾。一天,他在集市上叫卖,非常得意。他举起他的盾说:“我的盾非常坚固。无论怎样好的矛,都戳不穿它!”说完,他又举起他的矛夸口说:“我的矛非常锋利。无论怎样坚固的盾都能戳进去!” 站在旁边的人听了,都暗暗地发笑。 有人问他:“照你这样说,你的矛是最锋利的。无论怎样硬的盾都戳得进去。你的盾又是最坚固的。无论怎样锋利的矛,也别想戳进去。 那么,现在我用你的矛来戳你的盾,看看结果会怎样呢?” 那个人窘得连一句话也答不上来。


run a business经营生意,做买卖

shield 盾

spear 矛

brag 夸耀,吹牛

pierce 刺穿

embarrassed 尴尬的,窘迫的