
今天我们要学的词是lackluster。Lackluster 意思是平淡的,没有生气的。The actor was criticized for his lackluster performance in the movie. 这个演员因为在电影里平淡的演技而受到批评。The company decided to slash the price in order to boost lackluster sales of the product. 这家公司因为产品卖得不好,决定减价促销。世界银行的一份报告说,Japan's economy is on track for lackluster growth of 0.8 percent, hurt in part by its territorial fight with China. 日本经济今年只会小幅增长百分之零点八,发展缓慢的部分原因是日本跟中国的领土争议。好的,今天我们学习的词是 lackluster, lackluster, lackluster...