
今天我们要学的词是 pay tribute. To pay tribute 意思是表达敬意。上星期五是史蒂夫.乔布斯去世一周年的日子。Apple paid tribute to its late CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs on the first anniversary of his death. 在乔布斯去世一年之际,苹果公司向这位前公司首席执行官,苹果公司的创办人之一表达了敬意。美国很多著名歌星将于10月11号在洛杉矶举办一场特别演唱会。Usher, Jennifer Hudson and Celine Dion are among the performers who will pay tribute to the deceased singer Whitney Houston. 亚瑟小子,詹尼弗.哈德森和席琳.迪翁等人都将在演唱会中对死去的歌星惠特妮.休斯顿表达敬意。好的,今天我们学习的词是 pay tribute, pay tribute, pay tribute....