2013年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初三年级组初赛答案 - 给力英语


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2013 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题参考答案及评分标准
听力部分(共三大题,计30 分)
I Responses (句子应答)(共5 小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)
1 一5 DBABC
II.Dialogues (对话理解)(共10 小题;每小题1 分,计10 分)
A ) 6 一1 0 DAACC
B ) 11 一1 5 BCBAD
III.Passages (短文理解)(共10 小题;16 一20 题,每小题1 分,21 一25 题,每小题2 分,计巧分)
A ) 16 一20 ADBCC (给力英语网http://www.171english.cn)
B ) 21 birthday party 22 dentist 23 tennis training 24 Thursday and Friday 25 cinema
笔试部分(共八大题,计120 分)
I Multiple 一Choice (选择填空)(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计巧分)
26 一30 CDBAD 31 一35 DDBCD 36 一40 DBACA
II Cloze (完形填空)(共15小题;每小题1 分,计15分)
A ) 41 clever 42 computer 43 famous 44 broke 45 did 46 millions 47 as 48 sent 49 are 50 safer / safe
B ) 51 kinds 52 small 53 use / make 54 with 55 in
III.Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)(共20 小题;56 一65 题,每小题1 分,66 一75 题,每小题2 分,计30 分)
A ) 56 一58 CBD 59 一60 FT
B ) 61 一65 CBADE
C ) 66 It keeps the rain and the sun off people
67 It was a sign of importance
68 Because they believed umbrellas were only for women
69 In Mexico.
70 Because England has a rainy climate and umbrellas are very useful there
D ) 71 the court 72 ( his ) glasses 73 night 74 couldn ' t 75 the moon
IV Sentence Pattern Transformation (句式转换)(共5 小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)
76 you yet 77 has she 78 What a windy day 79 15 seen to dance 80 told / asked not to say
V Translation (翻译)(共5 小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)
81 无论我去哪里都不会忘了你(们)。(给力英语网http://www.171english.cn)
82 随着工业的发展,将产生越来越多的废物。
83 The teacher said that light travels much faster than sound
84 I'll show you how to search the Internet
85 The guests that / who were invited to the party were mostly writers from the United States
VI Dialogue Completion (补全对话)(共5 小题;每小题2 分,计10 分)
86 I just wanted to tell you that I won / I won
87 Yes,I was very nervous
88 And I won the last Set / And I beat him
89 When will you get home / When will you come back
90 Be sure to call me when you get back / Call me when you get back
VII.IQ Test (智力测试)(共5 小题;每小题1 分,计5 分)
92 ear
93 39
说明:10x6=60 5x12=60
8x8=64 16x4=64
13x9=117 39x3 =117
94 2kg
说明:天平左边:4kgx3 = 12kg 16kgx1 = 16kg
       天平右边:10kgx2 = 20kg 2kgx4 = 8kg
这样两边的重量就都是28 kg。
VIII. Writing (写作)(共2 小题;A )题满分10 分;B )题满分15分,计25 分)
A ) One possible version :
Boys and girls
We'll have an English evening party in our classroom The party will be held from 7 pm to 9 pm on Friday December 20th We'll sing dance and tell stories at the party We'll invite American students and our English teacher to Join us We also welcome students from other classes At the party we must speak English Please be there on time 1 hope we’ll have a good time. (给力英语网http://www.171english.cn)
The Monitor
19 Dec 2013
B ) One possible version :
I think I'm living a healthy life. First 1 care about what I eat Every morning I start with a good breakfast by eating bread and drinking milk For lunch 1 have rice meat and vegetables In the afternoon 1 eat an apple or a banana during the break When 1 get home 1 have noodles and vegetables for supper 1 hardly ever go to fast food restaurants or drink soft drinks 1 only drink water or fresh fruit juice
Also,I exercise a lot 1 do at least 50 sit-ups every day. Once a week I go to the stadium to play badminton
I seldom fall ill. It’s the right food and plenty of exercise that keep me healthy
1 本题总分为A ) 10 分;B )巧分,按四个档次给分。
2 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言水平初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整本档次,最后给分。
3 文章词数少于规定词数,从总分中减去1 分。
4 如书写较差,以致影响交流,将分数降低一个档次。
第四档(很好): A ) 9 一10 分;B ) 13 一15 分
第三档(好): A ) 6 一8 分;B ) 9 一12 分
第二档(一般): A ) 3 一5 分;B ) 5 一8 分
第一档(差): A ) 1 一2 分;B ) 1 一4 分
O 分

2013 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题听力部分(录音原文)
I 句子应答
1 Will you please help me carry the box ,
2 Sorry could you please repeat what you just said? I couldn’t follow you.
3 Excuse me, could you tell my the way to the park?
4 How long have you been in America ,
5 Welcome to my home John. I’d like you to meet my parents
A )请听下面五组小对话,根据你所听到的对话内容,选出能回答所提问题的最佳选项。每组对话读两遍。
6.M : What would you like, juice or milk ?
W : Give me a bottle of milk Dad And Eric wants a bottle of juice
M : Here you are
7.W : How many students are there in your class ,
M : There are only thirty-two. And half of them are girls
8.M : Good afternoon. What can 1 do for you ?
W : Two doughnuts. Oh wait. Only a cup of coffee please
9.W : What ' s the matter Mike? You look unhappy.
M : Well I left my bag here yesterday. Today I found the bag but my key was not in it.
1O W : Jack! What sport do you like best?
M : I like swimming best And what about you?
W : I like skiing best (给力英语网http://www.171english.cn)
B )请听下面的对话,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。
W : Hi Fred, We want to have a class party. Would you like to join us?
M : Of course. I would like to, Sally. What Can 1 do ?
W : You may pass on the message to some of our classmates.
M : OK. When shall we have the party?
W : What about tomorrow afternoon?
M : But tomorrow will be a busy day and there ' 11 be a school meeting in the afternoon.
W : Then let ' 5 have it the day after tomorrow.
M : The day after tomorrow? Oh it ' s Saturday. OK.
W : Shall we watch a video at the party?
M : I ' m afraid it is boring for some of our classmates. Let ' s play games
W : Good .Can you organise some games?
M : Sure.I can do that
W : And I’ll take some food and fruit.
M : That ' 5 great
A )请听下面的短文,根据你所听到的短文内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳选项。短文读两遍。
M : M r Green was a driver. He always left home in the morning and came back home in the evening. One summer morning his wife said " I ' m going to invite some friends to dinner this evening. Can you come back home before 40 ' clock and help me prepare the dinner? By the way please buy two pieces of meat for me " Mr Green said, " All right " Mr Green was always forgetful. So early in the morning he bought two pieces of meat and put them at the back of the car. He was busy all the morning. In the afternoon he returned home at 4 to 4. When his wife asked for the meat he suddenly remembered he had put the meat at the back of his car for a long time. They couldn ' t eat the meat for dinner because it smelt bad
B )请听下面的短文,根据你所听到的短文内容填空。每空不超过三个单词。短文读两遍。
W : Hi , Henry
Thank you for your invitation. I ' m sorry I can ' t visit you this week. I am really busy. This evening I am going to my cousin’s  birthday party .And tomorrow ,Tuesday ,I have to go to the dentist. On Wednesday I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday and Friday. On the weekend I ' m going to the cinema with some friends. Can you come with us ,

2013年NEPCS初中初赛答案册.rar (文件大小:211.91 KB)

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