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[2018年6月16日] 来源:英语六级作文 编辑:给力英语网   字号 [] [] []  

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of building trust between businesses and consumers. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The relationship between business and customers has changed a lot in past years. But one thing that still remains is the importance of building the mutual trust. By doing so, both parties could reach a win-win situation. The following part would explain my opinions from two different perspectives.

Studies have shown that many consumers would buy products of the brands they trust. That is, consumers’ loyalty would definitely influence the decisions. When buying a product even just a snack, people would prefer the more popular and familiar one like Snickers than other brands. At least, it would not disappoint you when you are hungry. Similarly, companies could receive the credit by providing commodities with reliable quality. It allows the Snickers to increase sales steadily.

Establishing trust is one of the most important factors in any business’s success. So it is no doubt to say that keeping this healthy relationship between the two parties is the pivot of consumption. (158字)


Though the relationship between business and consumers has changed a lot in past years, companies still try hard to keep the trust to the customers. The reason could be that the trust between business and customers is very important. If they believe in each other, they would both get benefits. I would explain my viewpoints from these two perspectives.

Studies have shown that consumers’ habits and beliefs would influence their decisions. If they are more familiar with a brand, they would prefer choosing the product. For example, when buying a product like a snack, they would choose a popular brand such as Snickers because they know its flavor. At the same time, the company could earn profit steadily by providing the same flavored chocolate as always.

Building trust is one of the most important factors in any business’s success for both parties. So it is crucial to keep the healthy relationship between business and customers. (155字)


Without a doubt, a mutually-trusted relation between businesses and consumers is important for the two parties.

First of all, though business is objective, cooperation is relatively subjective. Only when a consumer believe in what a businessman is selling, he or she could decide to buy something from the man. In reality, I have seen too many consumers purchase or refuse one commodity only because they like or dislike the salesman who they meet, especially when they are in a bad mood.

Secondly, when one businessman consider that a customer trusts him, he would feel honored and satisfied, thereby giving more preference to the customer. Naturally, when one businessman offers the best quality goods and the best prices to a customer, the customer has no excuse to refuse the businessman. Once such relation is formed, both the two parties gain profit from it.

Hence, both businesses and consumers should work together to form a reciprocal relation.

VOA 英语教学节目
