Compulsory health checks for school students - 给力英语

Compulsory health checks for school students

发布:wenhui    时间:2008/8/18 14:42:22     浏览:2457次

Primary and secondary school students will receive a health check every year from this autumn and the schools will pay for the service, said a joint notice from the Ministry of Heath and Ministry of Education yesterday.

Regulations on Primary and Secondary School Students Physical Heath Checks require that every new student receive a health check and set up a personal health file. A tuberculosis test is a must for every new student, and existing students will have an annual examination which includes internal and external checks plus dental examinations.

Organizations in charge of the health checks are to provide feedback including the results as well as suggestion to students, schools and local education authorities. Based on the information, schools and education departments should work out health improvement plans, the notice said.

According to the Ministry of Heath the physical checks should be paid for out of the school's public funds. The method of payment will be decided by education and financial departments at the provincial level. The exact costs will be set by the provincial government in accordance with the local education, health and economic situation.

(Shanghai Daily July 22, 2008)

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