Bangladesh gov't to bring 2 mln children under education - 给力英语

Bangladesh gov't to bring 2 mln children under education

发布:wenhui    时间:2008/9/15 9:35:45     浏览:2707次
DHAKA, Sept. 14 (Xinhua) -- The Bangladesh government will bring 2 million children, who are out of formal school education, under non-formal education system in three years to achieve a higher literacy rate.

    Adviser (equivalent to minister) of Bangladesh's Primary and Mass Education Ministry Rasheda K Chowdhury, told Xinhua Sunday that the goal has been set to increase the country's literacy rate which is unsatisfactory.

    The country's present literacy rate is 63 percent, while it was34 percent, according to the ministry.

    She said, now there are about 19 million students under the formal primary education system. But those school-age children who were left out, missed out and dropped out from formal education could not get the chance of education.

    The government has already launched non-formal education years ago under which about 1.8 mln people now have access to education.

    The ministry last week announced to introduce an integrated primary education system comprising formal and non-formal education to eradicate illiteracy from the country.

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