Chinese students encouraged to run in winter - 给力英语

Chinese students encouraged to run in winter

发布:wenhui    时间:2008/9/29 19:46:02     浏览:3104次
BEIJING, Sept. 28 (Xinhua) - China's Ministry of Education is launching a campaign to promote student health in the coming winter.

The campaign, dubbed "sunny sports" involves nearly all students across the country, including those from primary schools (the fifth and sixth grades only), middle schools and colleges.

As outlined by the ministry and the General Administration of Sport, students would be required to run every work day from Oct. 26 of this year until the end of next April.

The notice provided distance guidelines for students to follow. Kids at primary schools have to run one km per day. It's 1.5 km for students at junior high schools and 2 km for senior high school and college/university students.

Chen Zhiyong, an official from the ministry, said schools will arrange when and where students can run, although, busy roads are not allowed.

Sport administrations at various levels were asked to supervise the implementation of the campaign.

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