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Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Talking音频和原文

[2024年1月10日] 来源:新课标人教版            

这是新课程最新版高中英语教材,是由人民教育出版社出版、教育部2019审核通过的高中英语教材。其中必修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册,选择性必修教材分第一册、第二册、第三册和第四册共4册,选修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册。下面,给力英语与大家分享Unit 3 The Internet Listening and talking自主学习素材,听力原文在最后面。

---Listen and talk听力原文---

Laura:Hey Xiao Bo, what's up?

Xiao Bo: Hi, Laura. Not much. I’m trying to get in shape, so I’m looking for an exercise app.

Laura: Oh yeah? Found anything?

Xiao Bo: Well, there’s an app that counts every step you take during the day. It might help me walk more, but I don’t think it’d be enough. Here’s another one. It keeps track of how much you exercise and what you eat. It also helps you make a fitness plan. I imagine this app would help me get fit faster.

Laura:I wish there were an app for getting rich.

Xiao Bo: Ha-ha, well, there are apps for saving money.

Laura: Really?

Xiao Bo: Yes, sure. Look at this one. It helps you find discounts and the best price for whatever you’ re looking.

Laura: I suppose that’d be good but I need an app that adds some oink to my piggy bank.

Xiao Bo: Oink to your piggy bank? What does that mean?

Laura:Ha-ha, sorry! I mean I want to add some money to my savings.

Xiao Bo: Oh, I see, a piggy app. Ha-ha! How about this one? Every time you pay for something with your phone, it puts a little money into a bank account, just a few yuan-you wouldn't miss it. I guess you could save a little with this app.

Laura: Cool. Great idea! I' m good at spending. Now all I need is an app that l make my grades better.

Xiao Bo: Well, perhaps this app...

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