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Unit 5 Music Listening and Talking音频和原文

[2024年1月12日] 来源:新课标人教版            

这是新课程最新版高中英语教材,是由人民教育出版社出版、教育部2019审核通过的高中英语教材。其中必修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册,选择性必修教材分第一册、第二册、第三册和第四册共4册,选修教材分为第一册、第二册和第三册共3册。下面,给力英语与大家分享Unit 5 Music Listening and talking自主学习素材,听力原文在最后面。

***Listening and Talking***

--- Listening and Talking听力原文---

Hi, everyone! Can I have your attention, please? Next month, we will hold our music festival on the school sports field. Our musical guests include the famous singer Patty Williams, the Beijing Chinese Traditional Music Band, and our very own Grace Davis, who will sing some English folk songs. We need other performers, too. Anyone with musical talent can try out. We are also putting together a choir to sing with Patty Williams. This is a wonderful chance for you to sing with a music star! Those who don t have musical talent but who still want to help out can sell tickets or run one of our food stands. Volunteers of all kinds are welcome! Just get in touch with your teacher. The money we raise from this festival will be given to charity. Everyone, let's join together to make this year's music festival the best ever!

VOA 英语教学节目
