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Drone attacks reported in Myanmar’s capital

[2024年4月5日] 来源:VOA News  整理:Geilien.cn   字号 [] [] []  

An alliance of groups opposed to Myanmar’s military junta said Thursday that two military installations were targeted with a drone attack in the capital, Naypyitaw.

The National Unity Government, or NUG, said in a statement that the People's Defense Force used drones to attack targets including a military headquarters and an airbase in one of the most heavily guarded locations in the country.

The ruling junta was cited by The Associated Press as saying around a dozen drones were destroyed or seized and that there were no casualties. The NUG said there were reports of casualties.
美联社(The Associated Press)援引执政的军政府的话说,大约有十几架无人机被摧毁或缴获,没有人员伤亡。 民族团结政府表示,有人员伤亡的报告。

Many details of the Thursday incident could not be independently verified, but people who live near the strike area told AP that they were not aware of an attack. Government photos showed only crashed drones.
周四事件的许多细节无法得以独立核实,但居住在袭击地区附近的人告诉美联社,他们不知道发生了袭击事件。 政府的照片只显示了坠毁的无人机。

The People's Defense Force is the armed wing of the civilian-led NUG. The NUG considers itself the county’s legitimate power. The junta, however, has been fighting to contain uprisings and stabilize the economy.
人民防卫军是文职人员领导的民族团结政府的武装分支。民族团结政府认为自己是缅甸的合法权力机构。 然而,军政府一直在竭力遏制起义和稳定经济。

Myanmar has been embroiled in chaos since the military's seizure of power from the democratically elected civilian government led by Aung San Suu Kyi in February 2021. The coup sparked peaceful demonstrations across the nation that were met with aggressive security forces, which escalated into more violent conflict.

Rakhine violence

At the U.N. Security Council, diplomats were briefed Thursday on the escalation in violence in Rakhine State between the military and the Arakan Army - a powerful ethnic armed group based in Rakhine - since an informal cease-fire collapsed in November.

“The Arakan Army has reportedly gained territorial control over most of central Rakhine and seeks to expand to northern Rakhine, where many Rohingya remain,” U.N. Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari said.
“据报道,若开军已经获得了对若开邦中部大部分地区的领土控制权,并试图扩展到若开邦北部,那里仍有许多罗兴亚人,”联合国助理秘书长哈立德·希亚里(Khaled Khiari)说。

He said desperate minority Rohingya Muslims were fleeing the territory, many taking dangerous, sometimes deadly boat journeys across the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

More than 700,000 Rohingya fled to neighboring Bangladesh in August 2017 as the military launched a scorched-earth campaign in response to attacks by Rohingya militants that killed a dozen police officers. A 2018 U.N. fact-finding mission said estimates of 10,000 Rohingya killed in the offensive were conservative.
2017年8月,超过70万罗兴亚人逃往邻国孟加拉国,当时军方发动了一场焦土运动,以回应罗兴亚武装分子的袭击,罗兴亚武装分子的袭击造成十几名警察死亡。 2018年联合国实况调查团表示,保守的估计有一万名罗兴亚人在缅甸军队的攻势中丧生。

The humanitarian situation in Myanmar has further deteriorated. More than 2.8 million people are displaced, 90% of them since the 2021 military coup. U.N. humanitarian official Lisa Doughten told the council that hunger is growing across the country as food prices surge and access to markets is disrupted.
缅甸的人道主义局势进一步恶化。 超过280万人流离失所,其中90%是自2021年军事政变以来发生的。 联合国人道主义官员丽莎·道顿(Lisa Doughten)对安理会说,随着食品价格飙升和市场准入中断,全国各地的饥饿正在加剧。

Doughten said aid workers need safe and unhindered access and noted that from January 2022 to February this year, more than 155 humanitarians have been arrested or detained by various parties.

“We cannot deliver assistance if aid workers are not safe,” she said. “Intensified armed conflict, administrative restrictions and violence against aid workers all remain key barriers that are limiting humanitarian assistance from reaching vulnerable people.”
“如果救援人员不安全,我们就无法提供援助,”她说。 “武装冲突加剧、行政限制和针对援助人员的暴力行为,都是阻碍将人道主义援助送达弱势民众的主要障碍。”

Several council members expressed concern about the military authorities’ recent implementation of a national conscription law, which makes men ages 18 to 45 and women ages 18 to 35 eligible to be drafted into the army for two years.

“Youth are left with the option of either fleeing or taking part in violence,” said South Korean Ambassador Joonkook Hwang.
“年轻人的选择只剩下了要么逃离,要么参与暴力,”韩国驻联合国大使黄俊国(Joonkook Hwang)说。

U.S. envoy Robert Wood said Myanmar has become a hub for transnational organized crime, is the world’s largest opium producer, and is a driver of several refugee crises. In addition, he said, the military has carried out nearly 600 airstrikes across the country since the cease-fire ended in November.
美国特使罗伯特·伍德(Robert Wood)说,缅甸已成为跨国有组织犯罪的中心,是世界上最大的鸦片生产国,也是几次难民危机的驱动因素。此外,他说,自11月停火结束以来,军方已在全国范围内进行了近600次空袭。

“It is time for this council to take action,” Wood said, urging the council to restrict the military’s access to jet fuel to lessen its ability to carry out airstrikes.

China’s deputy ambassador, Geng Shuang, said a delegation from Beijing is currently in Myanmar for mediation efforts on the Rakhine situation.

In June 2023, the U.N. secretary-general’s special envoy for Myanmar stepped down. Khiari said Antonio Guterres would name a new envoy “in the coming days.”
2023年6月,联合国秘书长缅甸问题特使卸任。希亚里说,安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)秘书长将“在未来几天”任命一位新特使。