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Who Made That Android Logo?

[2018年4月16日] 来源:纽约时报 作者:PAGAN KENNEDY   字号 [] [] []  

Irina Blok may have drawn one of the most recognized logos in the world, but her association with the green Android has not made her famous. Blok can think of only one incident when she garnered the public’s attention for designing it. In 2010, she and her 6-year-old daughter were in a movie theater waiting for “Alice in Wonderland” to begin when an Android logo flashed on the screen. Her daughter, Blok recalls, suddenly stood up and yelled, “My mommy invented that!” Everyone in the row in front of them turned around to stare. Blok was so embarrassed, she says, that she sank down behind her tub of popcorn.

艾琳娜·布洛克(Irina Blok)或许确实创造了全世界最著名的企业标识之一,但是她与这个绿色安卓小人之间的联系却并未使她出名。作为这个标识的设计者,布洛克所能想到的也仅有一次因为它而获得公众关注。那是2010年,她和6岁的女儿当时正在电影院里等着《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)开演,那个安卓的标识闪现在电影屏幕上。布洛克回忆说,她的女儿突然站起来兴奋地喊道:“那是我妈妈的作品!”坐在她们前排的人都回过身来瞪大了眼睛看着她们。布洛克当时尴尬极了,她说她只好沉下身子,用爆米花桶来挡住自己。

The Android logo was born three years earlier, when Blok worked as a designer at Google. As Google prepared to endorse the Android software platform for mobile devices, Blok and her design-team colleagues were told to create a look for the software — something that consumers could easily identify. The logo, she was told, should involve a robot, and so she studied sci-fi toys and space movies — anything that might help her create a character. In the end, she took inspiration from a distinctly human source: the pictograms of the universal man and woman that often appear on restroom doors. She drew a stripped-down robot with a tin-can-shaped torso and antennas on his head.



While Blok worked on her design, she and her colleagues agreed that the logo, like the software, should be open-sourced. “We decided it would be a collaborative logo that everybody in the world could customize,” she says. “That was pretty daring.” Most companies, of course, defend their trademark from copycats, and million-dollar lawsuits have been filed over the rights to corporate insignia. This one would remain free.


In the years since, the Android logo has been dressed up as a ninja, given skis and skateboards and even transformed into a limited-edition Kit-Kat bar. Blok (who is now creative director at Edmodo, a social network for students and teachers) says that creating the logo was like raising a child: “You give a life to this individual, and then they have a life of their own.”




Ji Lee, a communications designer at Facebook, has created logos for nonprofits, stores and start-ups.

吉·李(Ji Lee),一位在Facebook工作的通信设计师,曾经为一些非营利性组织、商店以及创业公司设计过企业标识。

What makes a great logo?


Simplicity and timelessness. Those are two very difficult things to achieve. Recently, we’ve seen a lot of companies trying to update their logos — Yahoo has just introduced its much-debated logo. And AT&T, U.P.S., Pepsi and American Airlines are also giving themselves little face-lifts. But a great logo shouldn’t need any revision. The logos of I.B.M., Nike and FedEx have survived the test of time. That has a lot has to do with their simplicity. I can’t imagine Nike’s logo changing, even in a hundred years; there’s nothing left to subtract.

简单并且永恒。那是两个非常难以实现的东西。近来我们已经看到许多公司试图更新他们的企业标识——雅虎(Yahoo)就刚刚发布了他们备受争议的新标识。与此同时,美国电话电报公司(AT&T)、联合包裹快递(UPS)以及美国航空(American Airlines)都在试图给自己的标识做个小小的修容术。然而,一个伟大的标识不需要任何的修改。美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)、耐克(Nike)和联邦快递(FedEx)的标识就已经通过了时间的检验。这样的结果与它们设计得简单有很大关系。即便是一百年后,我也很难想象耐克的标识会发生任何变化;因为没有任何东西可以拿来删减。

Why are you a fan of the FedEx logo?


Between the letters E and X there is negative space that forms the shape of an arrow. It’s a subtle wink, so at first you don’t notice it. FedEx’s public-relations firm wanted to highlight the arrow so it would be obvious. But the designer, Lindon Leader, fought them on that — he thought it would be overkill. There’s something about making people discover something on their own that’s a lot more powerful than italicizing it to make your point.

在字母“E”和“X”之间,一个负向的空间构成了一个箭头的形状。这是一个微妙的暗示,一开始你并不会注意到它。联邦快递的公关公司起初想要强调这个箭头从而使它更加显而易见。但是标识的设计师,林顿·里德(Lindon Leader)却反对这样的提议——他认为这样会矫枉过正。这就像是,让人们自己去发现远比你把你的观点强加给他们来得更加有效。

You designed a logo for the New Museum — it’s an outline of the building facade, with no words. What was the idea there?

你为新奇博物馆(The New Museum)设计了一款标识——它是一个没有文字的建筑外立面轮廓。这在当时是一个怎样的想法?

The New Museum at the time was opening its new location and new building, and Droga5 — the ad agency I worked for then — ended up doing the campaign. We realized the silhouette of the building could become an icon for the entire institution.




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