每日一词:A clean bill of health 身体健康证明/公司运营合格证明

编辑:给力英语新闻 更新:2018年4月6日 作者:BBC英语教学

表达“a clean bill of health”有两层含义:第一,它可以指“医生告知或给某人开具身体健康状况良好的证明”,这层含义和医疗健康有关;第二,它还可以引申为“表明、告知某公司的运营状况良好”,用来描述其规章制度、安排等合理。我们常说“give someone or something a clean bill of health”,或者“someone or something is given a clean bill of health”。


After a full medical test yesterday I was given a clean bill of health, so I'm fit to be on the team this weekend.

All the beaches on the south coast have been given a clean bill of health this summer.

The company made improvements to its safety regulations and was given a clean bill of health.