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当前位置: 中考专栏 > 2024年各地中考英语模拟试题


[2024年4月5日] 编辑:Geilien.cn            



1-5:BBCAC 6-10:BAABC 11-15:BBAAC 15-20:BBACC


A:21-25:BDCCA B:26-30:CACBD C:31-35:BDBDA D:36-40:ABCBA






51-55:DBCAB 56-60:CACBD 61-65: ACBDA


66. badly 67. were told 68. embarrassing 69. the 70. to hide 71. my 72. with 73. beauty 74. have heard 75. will live


1.  It's a bike.

2.  John(He)is riding a horse,

3.  How much are the two shorts?

4.  It's on Feb. 20th

5.  Where is the international kite festival held?


Life skills are necessary for us. What life skills should we teenagers develop? And how? Here is my opinion.

Firstly, managing time is a necessary skill for teenagers. We need to learn how to use our time efficiently. This can be achieved by creating a schedule or to-do list, setting goals and deadlines. Secondly, working with others is another important life skill. We need to learn how to communicate effectively, listen actively, and work with others. This can be practiced through group projects, team sports, and volunteering in the community. Thirdly, keeping healthy is important. We need to learn how to make healthy choices such as eating a balanced diet and getting enough sleep. Lastly, problem-solving is a skill that will benefit us throughout our lives. This can be practiced through puzzles, games, and real-life situations. In addition to the above skills, I believe that learning financial management is also important for teenagers. We need to learn how to budget our money, save for the future, and avoid debt.

In conclusion, developing life skills is important for teenagers to become successful adults. By managing time, working with others, keeping healthy, solving problems and learning financial management, we can prepare ourselves for the challenges of the future.

VOA 英语教学节目
