英语必修1人教新课标Unit 1 - Unit 5同步练习 - 给力英语

英语必修1人教新课标Unit 1 - Unit 5同步练习

发布:jetshing    时间:2011/1/19 22:36:50     浏览:2908次

英语必修1人教新课标 Unit 4 Earthquakes 同步练习

On February 27,2008,something unusual happened in Britain:there was a rather large earthquake.
It was the   1   UK earthquake in 25 years.There have been very minor ones in the past but they were not  2  compared to this one.It was felt across the country,from Edinburgh,Scotland in the north down to the far south coast of England.The centre of the earthquake was in a small town about 150 kilometres away from north of London.

英语必修1人教新课标Unit 1 - Unit 5l同步练习.rar (文件大小:1.29 MB)
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