在ice cream前如何选择正确的冠词? - 给力英语

在ice cream前如何选择正确的冠词?

发布:jetshing    时间:2011/1/25 14:30:25     浏览:12927次
1. ice cream前面何时用不定冠词an
当表示“一份”“一杯”冰淇淋时,ice cream前面可以用an。如在冷饮店,你可以ask for an ice cream.如:
I want an ice  cream.
Can I have an ice cream?
如果是两份,则可以说two ice creams.

其他情况下,ice cream是不能用an的。

2. ice cream前面何时用定冠词the
当描述某人喜好ice cream时,在ice cream前是不用任何冠词的,因为这里所指的是一般的概念(ice cream in general)。如:
She likes to eat ice cream.

The ice cream通常用于指某一特定的冰淇淋(a specific ice cream).

我们往往说She is eating ice cream,而不太说She is eating an ice cream.

(a) I like to eat ice cream.
(b) She likes to eat an / the ice cream.
(c) She eats an ice cream / eats ice cream.


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