成人在世不要去读的50本书 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/3/28 9:33:28     浏览:3600次

Please don't make me read James Joyce's Ulysses...

Not the 50 books you must read before you die
Last week, Michael Gove said that children should read 50 books a year. For grown-ups anxious to keep up, Iain Hollingshead offers some tongue-in-cheek literary advice

1 Ulysses by James Joyce

Only a “modern classic” could condense one man’s day into an experimental epic that takes years to plough through. If the early description of the protagonist going to the lavatory doesn’t make your eyes swim, the final 40 pages, untroubled by punctuation, will.

2 Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

The finest dystopic novel of the 20th century, coining such terms as “doublethink” and “thought crime”, but indirectly responsible for the rise of reality television and the career of Davina McCall.
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