20种回答How are you的方式 - 给力英语

20种回答How are you的方式

发布:薰衣草の旋律    时间:2011/6/25 21:16:23     浏览:2654次
    1.If you must know I feel terrible

  2.Actually I'm a bit under the weather

  3.I'm hanging on

  4.Been better

  5.Mustn't grumble

  6.Can't complain

  7.Not bad


  9.Fair to middling

  10.I'm better than I deserve

  11.I'm OK and you?

  12.Fine, thank you for asking

  13.Fit as a fiddle

  14.Right as rain

  15.I'm much better now that you are here

  16.Better than ever

  17.I'm great, feeling on top of the world

  18.Never felt better

  19.I feel like a million bucks

  20.I'm just wonderful

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