40个常被拼错的食物类单词 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/7/10 9:07:46     浏览:3361次
Anise/star anise: These two herbs may share a common name and a similar flavor, but they're actually two different plants entirely. Regardless, the "anise" in both is pronounced the same way.
Proper pronunciation: AN-iss

Bouillon: Not to be confused with (or pronounced like) gold bullion, this is a clear, meat- or vegetable-flavored broth that's used as the base of soups and stews.
Proper pronunciation: boo-YAWN

Niçoise: Anything cooked or served à la niçoise simply means that it was done after the style of Nice, France, which usually involves tomatoes, olives, onions and garlic.
Proper pronunciation: nee-SWAHZ, in the simplest sense (that is, without getting into French grammatical genders)
点击阅读更多:40 Commonly Mispronounced Food Words.rar (文件大小:31.45 KB)

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