雅思口语点拔与范文:Describe a piece of equipment - 给力英语

雅思口语点拔与范文:Describe a piece of equipment

发布:jetshing    时间:2011/8/24 7:20:15     浏览:7429次

    Describe a piece of equipment you often use at home or at work.
  You should say:
  What it is?
  What you do with it. How it is used.
  How long you have had it.
  How important it is to you.
  Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk informative and interesting.
  a) My favorite piece of equipment is my mobile phone. It is also known as a cell phone, a hand phone, or a pocket phone.
  b) I am sure you are familiar with it, or even have one yourself.
  a) As the name indicates, it is a telephone that is carried on your  person, and can be used wherever you go.
  b) That is to say, you can make or receive calls while travelling, or while sitting in a net bar or restaurant.
  a) As far as for how long I have had my mobile phone concerns, I have had it for about two years now.
  b) I received it as a gift from my parents on my 16th birthday.
  There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk about my mobile phone specifically. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.
  a) Firstly, over the past two years, my mobile phone has become an important part of my daily life.
  b) What I mean to say is that I cannot imagine living without the advantages it presents. Allow me to explain.
  a) Secondly, over and above it being a communication tool, mobile phones have many additional uses.
  b) For instance, one can obtain a great deal of information, like the weather forecast or the latest prices or the stock exchange, from your mobile phone.
  a) In addition, I would like to mention the fact that a cell phone is able to provide me with some security.
  b) What I mean to say is that when I find myself in a difficult situation, I can call for assistance.
  a) Lastly, I would like to mention that my mobile phone is a very convenient piece of equipment for somebody like myself.
  b) For example, it is so compact and lightweight that I am able to carry it in one of my pockets without it being a nuisance.
  8. So, there on some thoughts on why my mobile phone is my favorite piece of equipment.

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