俄罗斯一隆胸女子因而乳房硅胶填充物救得自身性命 - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2011/10/5 11:27:46     浏览:3058次

A Russian woman can thank her breast implants for a lot more than just her shapely figure.

The Muscovite was the victim of an attempted stabbing by her husband - but her life was saved when the knife stuck in her silicone breast.

Moscow surgeons have now operated the 40-year-old woman, according to an English language Pravda translation from the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

The news agency did not name any of the parties involved but says the bizarre incident took place during a domestic argument.

A plastic surgeon, Sergei Blokhin, claimed the woman's husband asked his wife to have a breast enlargement five years ago.

The woman agreed and had size four implants inserted.

During the fight, the husband allegedly tried to knife his wife through the heart.

But the knife did not even reach the thorax.

Mr Blokhin had used state-of-the-art implants filled with gel-like silicon, which did not leak - and the breast even retained its original shape.

The woman went to the clinic again after the incident and had since her implant replaced with a new one.- 4th October 2011

Protection: A woman's breast implants saved her after they shielded her from a knife

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