英语课堂教学技能视频下载:Pre-listening Activity “Warm-up” with Pictures - 给力英语

英语课堂教学技能视频下载:Pre-listening Activity “Warm-up” with Pictures

发布:wenhui    时间:2012/10/26 16:52:17     浏览:3912次


Listening tasks can be difficult for a variety of reasons. Students can’t control the speed of the tape, they can’t stop it to ask questions, and they may not have any context to understand a conversation they’re listening to. It’s useful for the teacher to help create context for students and ‘set the scene’ of the listening. Fortunately, our textbooks often come with pictures, making this easier to do. By using pictures and asking questions, we can make an easy first listening activity, where students make predictions, then check their answers by listening to the tape. This allows for repeated listening, as students can do more difficult comprehension activities as a ‘follow up’. Take a look:

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