英国的小升初试题,你能做对几道? - 给力英语


发布:wenhui    时间:2016/9/10 10:41:18     浏览:1859次

英国开始推行小学考初中的全国统考始于1944年,名为11-plus,取自参加考试的孩子的年龄段11到12岁。考试分为四个主要科目(four key subjects):英语(English),数学(maths), 语言推理(verbal reasoning)和图形逻辑(non-verbal reasoning)。考试成绩优秀的可以进入grammar school,直译为文法学校,可以算是我们的重点中学吧,因此竞争是相当的激烈。



 1) C. All three figures are shaded black.

2) B. All figures must have two shapes and an arrow pointing up.

3) E. The circle rotates 90 degrees clockwise in each square of the sequence.

4) B. The circle in the bottom left-hand corner gets bigger, and the centre circle gets smaller in each square of the sequence. The two circles alternate colours between black and white. The star gains an extra point in each box.

5) B. All other figures are made of two identical shapes.

6) E. All other figures have one less shape in each row than in the row below.

7) D. BS. B = black shape, C= white shape, T= pentagon, S= circle, R= triangle.

8) C. PY. P = solid outline, R = long-dashed outline, S =short-dashed outline, X= elipse Y = circle.

9) C. The shape on the left shrinks.

10) A. Working from the top to bottom, the outer shape shrinks to fit inside the star.


1) 6512. M = 6, I = 5, T = 1, E = 2.

2) 3265. S = 3, E = 2, M = 6, 1 = 5.

3) TERM. T = 1, E = 2, R = 4, M = 6.

4) BAN. The complete word is ARMBANDS.

5) ADD. The complete word is HADDOCK.

6) ASH The complete word is SPLASHED.

7) ILL. The complete word is VANILLA.

8) EAT. The complete word is WEATHER.

9) PATH. Top athletes.

10) MASS. Pyjamas should.

11) MINT. Cumin thoroughly.

12) RASH. Cobras have.


1) C, expanse is closest in meaning to area.

2) A, singular is closest in meaning to strange.

3) D, beneath is the preposition because it tells you where the water is in relation to the bridge.

4) B, this is a metaphor because the moor is described as an ocean.

5) C, these words are common nouns because they are names for types of things.


 1) E.

2) D. 1 is made up of three thirds, so 9 is made up of 9 x 3, = 27 thirds.

3) B.

4) D.

5) C,< means ‘less than’ and > means ‘more than’, 52/100 = 5.2, so c: 52 > 520/100 is correct).

6) 3.

7) E.

8) 17.

9) 71. Add 12 to each number.

10) 8.

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