庆祝中国人民解放军建军90周年阅兵式中英词汇 - 给力英语


发布:jetshing    时间:2017/7/30 17:26:11     浏览:2518次

“同志们好!”"Salute to you, comrades!"

“主席好!”"Hail to you, chairman!"

“同志们辛苦了!”"Comrades, thanks for your hard work!"

“为人民服务!”"Serve the people!"

今天的受阅官兵都来自战斗部队(all officers and soldiers in the parade are from actual combat units),指挥员和战斗员本色登场,展现了英雄部队新时代的新形象。

听党指挥! Follow the Party!

能打胜仗!Fight to win!

作风优良!Forge exemplary conduct!

在阅兵分列式中,有护旗方队(formation of flag guards)、纪念标识梯队(helicopter echelon of celebration marks)和9个作战群接受检阅。

The spectacle involved more than 12,000 troops, 600 pieces of military hardware and more than 100 aircraft of various types, representing the Chinese military's most cutting-edge technology.

More than 40 percent of the presented equipment is debut first time for a parade.

I firmly believe that our heroic military has both the confidence and capability to defeat all intruders.

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