7bunit2教案 - 给力英语


发布:wanghaibin    时间:2010/4/15 12:40:17     浏览:3891次

Period   (5)

教学题目:7B Unit 2 Grammar 1

教学课时:Period 5

教学部分:Page P31、32、35



1.       学会用How many 和How much谈论数量。

2.       掌握定冠词的使用方法。

教学内容:用How many 和How much谈论数量;定冠词的使用方法



Step 1 Lead in

1.       Teacher show students some pictures to review some countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

2.       How to express the amount of uncountable nouns. Students do some exercises.

Step 2 Presentation: Usage of how many and how much

1. We ask questions about quantities with how much for uncountable nouns and how many for countable nouns.

2. Read the example of part A.

Step 3 Practice

1. Millie and Daniel are organizing a welcome party for the exchange students. They are making a shopping list. You want to know how much food they need. Help them circle Y for countable nouns and N for uncountable nouns. Then ask questions with 'How much' or 'How many'.

2. Students do these exercises, teacher check their answers.

3. Do more exercises on TV: Ask questions according to the underlined phrases.

4. Teacher asks students to check answers by themselves.

5. Millie and Daniel are talking about how much food they need to buy for the party. Look at your answers in Part A1 and the pictures below. Complete their conversations with the correct words.

6.  Finish exercises on P32, A2; teacher check answers.

7.  Teacher asks students to read and act out this dialogue.

8. Student give their performance, teacher evaluate it .

Step 4 lead in:

1. Put the sentences into Chinese. Paris is the capital of France.

  I live on the fifth floor.

  We had a fashion show, the show was special.

  Collin can play the piano.

  The sun is bigger than the moon

  Look! The baby is crying.

2. Teacher introduce the usage of' the '

Step 5 presentation

   定冠词 “the”的用法:







     in the morning/afternoon/evening;

     on the left/right; by the way

不加 “the”的情况:



3、 季节、月份、星期前不加。




7、名词前已有this, that, my, your, some, any…等代词时不加。 

Step 6 Practice:

1. Finish part A on page 35.

2. Teacher check answers.

3. Students read this passage together.

Step 7 Check out

Do some exercises on TV.

Step 8 Homework

1. Do some exercises in the work-book.

2. Review the grammar of how many/much and 'the'  

3. Preview the rest grammar on page33-34.


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