7bunit2教案 - 给力英语


发布:wanghaibin    时间:2010/4/15 12:41:11     浏览:3760次

Period   (7)

教学题目:7B Unit 2 Integrated skills

教学课时:Period 7

教学部分:Page 36---37



1. 听取细节,提炼信息。

2. 了解有关故宫的知识。

3. 学会介绍环境。





Step 1 Lead in

1. The teacher shows students some pictures of places of interest in Changzhou and many other places in China, ask students to guess their English names.

2. The teacher teaches students some famous palaces in Beijing.

Step 2 Presentation

1. The teacher teaches new words by showing students pictures.

2. Students read these new words after the teacher.

3. Simon and one of the British students, Will, want to visit the Palace Museum. They are reading a poster about it.

4. Students read this poster and ask and answer questions each other.

5. Will and Simon are writing down information about the Palace Museum. Read the poster in part A1 and complete part of the table below.

6. Teacher check students answers.

Step 3 Listening comprehension

1. Listen and complete the missing information in Part A2.

2. Check answers together.

3. Simon is making some notes, but there are some mistakes in his notes. Listen to the guide again. Help Simon underline the mistakes and write the correct answers in the blanks.

4. Students do it carefully, teacher ask students to answer these questions one by one.

Step 4 Speak up.

1. Listen to Will and Simon's conversation and answer questions:

  a. Where do they want to go tomorrow?

  b. What can they see there?

  c. When shall they be there?

  d. When and where they will meet?

2. Students read and act out this dialogue.

3. Students make up their own dialogue in the same model, they can also add new information.

4. Students act out their own dialogues.

Step 5 Exercises

1. Students do some exercises on TV.

2. Teacher checks their answers.

Step 6 Homework

1. Review new words and phrases.

2. Do some exercises in the work-book.


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