牛津英语三年级Module 2 Unit3 A new friend教学实录 - 给力英语

牛津英语三年级Module 2 Unit3 A new friend教学实录

发布:jetshing    时间:2010/10/7 17:25:23     浏览:5593次

得到万里师傅卢老师的邀请,去参加了他们区里的一次教研活动,本堂课所呈现的是牛津英语三年级 Modul2 Unit3 A ner friend。虽然,我对牛津英语一点都不熟悉,但是整堂课听下来,本课的重点和难点应该就是句型“What’s her/his name? Her/His name’s ….”的学习和灵活运用。以下是本堂课的教学设计:

Step1: Warm up


2.Talk about a girl, Kitty.(Kitty 是牛津教材里经常出现的人物角色,就如PEP教材中Amy等)


She’s 8 years old.

She’s from Shanghai.

She’s astudent.

She has a camera.

She likes to take photographs.

Her name’sKitty.

前面四个句型,都是学生熟悉的,在此基础上教师拓展了She likes to…的单数第三人称的句型。

Step2 Presentation


_________ 8 ______.

_____________ Shanghai.

_____________ student.

_____________ a camera.

_______________ take photographs.

________________ Kitty.  从而直接呈现本课句型:Her name’s ….

2.Talk about the names of the girls.

“What’s her name? Her name’s ….”


T: Kitty has a camera, she is hapy. She is going to the park with her friends.

Let’s watch the DVD.

看短文回答问题:Who are they?


看图说一说:Her name’s … . His name’s …..

Talk about the Ss: Her name’s … . His name’s …..

Work in groups and introduce: Her name’s … . His name’s …..

Play a game:

叫6名男生到台前站成一排,其他学生背对黑板,其中以学生发出声音,让其他学生来猜:What's his name? His name’s …




Step3: consolidation and extension.

1.T: Look at the picture. Who is sad?  Ss: Kitty?

T: Why is she sad?    S: Because of the camera.

T: Where is the camera? I have a friend to help Kitty to find the camera.


2.Talk about Conan.

He’s 7 years old.

He’s fromJapan.

He’s a student.

He has afootball.

He likes toplay football.

His name’s Conan.  (同kitty的呈现)

3.Group work

T:Conan knows who took the camera, but it’s a secret!

Each group can take out your enevlop, work in groups, finishi the paperwork.





Kongfu panda     Hui tailang Zhang Yining




Cai Yilin  Liu Xiang  Cat Policeman


4.T: Conan knows who took it? Who is the bad person?

Let’s listen what does Conan say?

描述:He’s not our friend. He’s a lazy farmer. He’s grey. He has a long tail.

      Do you know who's he?


T: Bad person, bad person, go away.

5.情感深化:Good friends love each other, help each other!


draw a picture of your friend, and introduce your friend to us.



      She’s ________. He’s _________.

      She’s from _______.    He’s from _________.

      She’s a _________.     He’s a _________.

      She has _________.     He has _________.

      She likes to ____________.      He likes to ___________.

      Her name’s __________. His name’s __________.


      除了游戏那里提到的不足,该教师在复数加s、单数第三人称加s, 时,读[s] 还是[z],不够清晰,在板书时,字母H的笔顺不正确。这些只是我观察到细微的不足之处,但却有很多是值得我学习的地方:教师对教材的挖掘和拓展的能力是很令人佩服的。听师傅说,牛津教材里每节课的内容其实对学生来说是非常简单的,教师每堂课就要给学生拓展内容,那我想,他们的老师确实每天要花很长的时间在备课上,在资料的准备上。而经过这样的磨练,很明显他们的能力得到了锻炼和提升,这是最值得我学习的地方。(作者:许露艳)

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