妇女节,妇女节是几月几日,Women's Day

International Women’s Day is an international event celebrated annually by default on 8th March in the entire globe so as to bring the problem of gender inequality into the limelight again and again. Also, this day is special for women worldwide as this day acknowledges women and their contribution in different fields.
国际劳动妇女节(International Working Women's Day),简写IWD,全称“联合国妇女权益和国际和平日”或“联合国女权和国际和平日”(United Nations Women's rights and International Peace Day),是一个全球人民每年都会在3月8日庆祝的国际性节日。因此,性别不平等问题一次又一次地成为人们关注的焦点。此外,对全世界的妇女来说,这一天也是特别的,因为它承认了妇女以及她们在不同领域的贡献。

Women's Day was celebrated in the United States on February 28, 1909. It was then called National Women's Day.
1909 年 2 月 28 号,美国人在国内庆祝了妇女节,当时妇女节叫“全国妇女节”。

In 1910, women from 17 countries suggested the idea of International Women's Day.

1910 年,有来自 17 个国家的妇女提出了设立国际妇女节的想法。

In 1911, International Women's Day was celebrated by more than one million people in different countries.

1911 年,各国有 100 多万人参加了国际妇女节的庆祝活动。

At this time, the holiday had its official name "International Women's Day", but there was no fixed date for Women's Day.
至此,国际妇女节有了正式名称 International Women's Day,但这时妇女节还没有固定的日期。

On March 8, 1914, many women in Europe demonstrated against the war. To commemorate the march, the date of women's Day was changed to March 8.
直到 1914 年 3 月 8 日,欧洲许多女性为了反对战争示威游行。为了纪念这次游行活动,人们把妇女节的庆祝日期改到了 3 月 8 号。

