What is an intergovernment agency?

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An intergovernment agency is an organization set up by a number of governments in order to cooperate in matters of common interest. Such an agency is funded from dues levied on participating governments.


Here are some functions of intergovernment agencies:

  • Conducting activities within a particular country through the government of that country
  • Coordinating and stimulating activities consistent with their charters
  • Funding their own programs with dues from member governments and from grants given by particular governments for specific programs
  • Maintaining extensive documentation for their sector of activity
  • Offering training, consultations, and cross-fertilization activities at the request of their member governments
Examples: United Nations bodies

Here are some examples of United Nations (UN) bodies that are intergovernment agencies:

Examples: Non-United Nations bodies

Here are some examples of non-United Nations intergovernment bodies:


Here are some nonexamples of intergovernment bodies:

  • Agencies that are not funding agencies for grassroots projects
  • Agencies that are not operational in local communities.

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